Netflix donates 7 mil to Dems.

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Special Hen
Oct 22, 2005
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Oxford, MS
I never said that. That's completely your assertion.

I just cast skepticism on this "60% new donors" statement.
1) Could be a way to funnel dark money.
2) Media claims "60% new donors" to try to fool people into thinking there's momentum in the political movement.

Have you made your donation yet?
...Maybe you already have!
: )
i live in a deep red state where my vote, as it relates to the electoral college, wont matter. I save my donations for mayor and aldermen races as they affect my life far more than who is in washington.

and i agree that skepticism is good, which is why i asserted (albeit sarcastically) that these things probably aren't limited to one side. As you said, if the 60% was meant to fool people into thinking there is momentum, why wouldn't that same logic apply to Trump's numbers after his indictment? Skepticism is good and needed in our current political climate.


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Special Hen Supporter
Oct 9, 2012
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American Campaign Finance Violations​

Though he has lived in America for decades and sought to influence American politics and society, Wyss has never obtained permanent legal status in the U.S. and has sought to remain in the shadows. On several occasions, he has bragged in European press about his ability to influence American politics at the highest levels while keeping his name out of the newspapers.

As a Swiss foreign national who never obtained U.S. citizenship or green card, Wyss is not legally allowed to contribute to the campaigns of American political candidates. Such contributions from foreign nationals have been strictly forbidden since 1966.

But that hasn’t stopped Wyss.

In 2016, the Daily Caller revealed that Wyss had made $41,000 in illegal donations to the campaigns of seven congressional candidates and four political committees from 1998 to 2003. State campaign records also showed Wyss donated tens of thousands of dollars to politicians in Colorado and New Mexico. The Daily Caller reported at the time that Wyss was an E-2 business visa holder, not a permanent resident, and Wyss has never claimed otherwise. The Federal Elections Commission (FEC) never took any enforcement action against the liberal billionaire.

OK Corgi Rancher

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Special Hen Supporter
May 14, 2020
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Greater Francis, OK metropolitan area
All the arguing aside, I'll be honest... I'm really worried about this election. So many people seem to think Trump has this election in the bag. I don't. I don't see Harris as an improvement at all over Joe Biden...other than she apparently doesn't have dementia. Say what you will about liberal/democrat voters but they know how to rally around, and vote for, their candidates.

Conservatives sit around bi*ching about (and often not voting for) a good enough candidate because he/she isn't perfectly aligned with their views.


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Special Hen Supporter
Oct 9, 2012
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All the arguing aside, I'll be honest... I'm really worried about this election. So many people seem to think Trump has this election in the bag. I don't. I don't see Harris as an improvement at all over Joe Biden...other than she apparently doesn't have dementia. Say what you will about liberal/democrat voters but they know how to rally around, and vote for, their candidates.

Conservatives sit around bi*ching about (and often not voting for) a good enough candidate because he/she isn't perfectly aligned with their views.
We should all pray about it.
Romans 13
Let every soul be subject unto the higher powers. For there is no power but of God: the powers that be are ordained of God. 2Whosoever therefore resisteth the power, resisteth the ordinance of God: and they that resist shall receive to themselves damnation


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Special Hen Supporter
Jun 25, 2009
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...and i agree that skepticism is good, which is why i asserted (albeit sarcastically) that these things probably aren't limited to one side. As you said, if the 60% was meant to fool people into thinking there is momentum, why wouldn't that same logic apply to Trump's numbers after his indictment? Skepticism is good and needed in our current political climate.

There are more variables to draw from then just the lying news.

Sure it's "theoretically possible" it applies to Trump also. But if you question Trump's momentum, look at the overwhelming support from people, which has been consistent for over well over 4 years. Look at the size of crowds he pulls, not just election speach rallies - but other indicators also. (Remember the Boat rallies, and miles-long Truck rallies?)

Now compare to:
AFTER being POTUS/VP for almost 4 years - Joe and Karmala can barely pack high school basketball bleachers.
Yet we're supposed to believe there's a "60% new donors" momentum?

I'm sure you're a smart guy, and see the same signs. It's good to be skeptical, ESPECIALLY if it comes from the news.

IMO: The Trump momentum is genuine. Any supposed Joe/Kamala momentum is highly skeptical.

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