Oil Cap USPSA Feb 14 Sunday

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Supporting Member
Special Hen Supporter
Dec 14, 2005
Reaction score
NE Oklahoma
Oil Capital's February 14th match is coming. We’ll go for 6 stages, one a Classifier, totaling at least 125 rounds for the match. Sign-in at 9:30, walk-thru at 10 AM with set-up commencing at 7:30. Match fee is $15 ($10 for OCR&GC members). In consideration that the 14th is Valentine's Day, stages will be set to run quickly, so you can enjoy that as part of your day too!

Location link:http://www.badlandsidpa.com/


Supporting Member
Special Hen Supporter
Dec 14, 2005
Reaction score
NE Oklahoma
Results are out BCC email to the shooters. Thanks to all for coming. Speaking of occasional light snow, at 0745 it was snowing and by 0815 it had ended; that was the extent of the precip. The bright sun even came out from time to time. It was a good day to shoot some cardboard and steel. We were done and put away plenty early.

Stage 2 was the Classifier, CM 99-33 Raw Deal. "Mike" was omnipresent, but "No Shoot" barely made an appearance all day long. Kelly took 5 stages; something about them "load on Sunday and shoot all week" Open guns. Eric topped one, with a Single Stack no less. I decided to try to run a six-shot revolver; interesting experience and I'll do it some more.

How about a Special Classifier, with a bunch of Classifier stages, some time in the next few months? Let me know what regular match month suits and we'll see what we can stir up.

Your next Oil Capital USPSA match is Sunday March 14.

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