OK Republican calling for forced vaccininations - as predicted

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Mar 2, 2010
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Edmond, OK
So if anyone gets anyone sick we go after them? This is easy to prove I guess LOL

What is funny is that you don’t know they do identify stains to understand origin.

What if …

“What if” they played Russian roulette on the back of the bus naked? I thought this was about vaccinations?

…why is so important to you now? Why were you not ranting daily about people (anyone not just unvaccinated) better not get you or your kids sick or else? Why not 5yrs ago...10? Did you say that back then?

You need to focus. Remind me what do these sans fact assumptions have to do with this thread?

The flu outbreaks (which often happen to people who take the vaccine) sure happen anyway in schools.

Do you know if it was because they caught the flu before they could build their immunity up? Or is this an exercise in trying to prove that correlation implies causation?

...and I am not going to answer you about animals

as many animal vaccines are to protect the animal and not the other animals

Actually you did answer but you were only half right. Animal vaccinations protect the animal from getting a disease which protects other animals because the animal vaccinated cannot transmit the disease. Light go on? See the correlation?


Mar 2, 2010
Reaction score
Edmond, OK
You don't even understand the premise of this discussion, so I'm done responding to you unless you get a handle on it, mmmmkay? :(

So you are not going to respond to my criticism of your post? (GASP)

Please allow me to shift my hurt butt cheeks and try to explain the “premises” …

People don’t believe that vaccinations are beneficial and some do not understand the risks or the rate of the risks.

People don’t want the “guberment” mandating what they should do because they are “patriots” and “erring on the side of liberty” to risk the chance of disease.

How’s that? BTW … Does your husband mock your behavior too? ;)


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Special Hen Supporter
Jan 10, 2014
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So you are not going to respond to my criticism of your post? (GASP)

Please allow me to shift my hurt butt cheeks and try to explain the “premises” …

People don’t believe that vaccinations are beneficial and some do not understand the risks or the rate of the risks.

People don’t want the “guberment” mandating what they should do because they are “patriots” and “erring on the side of liberty” to risk the chance of disease.

How’s that? BTW … Does your husband mock your behavior too? ;)[/QUOTE]

RK9J Wow GREAT one liner. I love it. WTG Made my morning!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I agree with you but there are a few on here that just love to argue or love to bully so hang on to your shorts because they brutal. Simple logic is in short supply on this one. The masses have spoken and they cannot stand it. Good Luck Sir.


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Special Hen Supporter
Jan 12, 2007
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So you are not going to respond to my criticism of your post? (GASP)

Please allow me to shift my hurt butt cheeks and try to explain the “premises” …

People don’t believe that vaccinations are beneficial and some do not understand the risks or the rate of the risks.

People don’t want the “guberment” mandating what they should do because they are “patriots” and “erring on the side of liberty” to risk the chance of disease.

How’s that? BTW … Does your husband mock your behavior too? ;)

Look, I tried to get you up to speed, but you won't listen. The adults were discussing one thing, you walked in on the latter half of the discussion and THOUGHT you understood the topic, but you didn't. You tried to change the topic to statistics, which isn't what we were discussing. I tried to point out your error and you blathered on like you knew what we were discussing better than we did.

You. Still. Don't. Get. It.

So if you aren't going to go back and figure out where you went wrong, do us all a favor sweetie and waddle on back to the kiddie table, k? Oh, and take your cheer squad with you while you're at it. Thanks bunches! ;)


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Aug 15, 2012
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Twilight Zone
I understand the concerns of parents who want everyone vaccinated...I do. Here are some thoughts/points I want to share in an effort to reach out to those who vaccinate but are also reasonable and do not have an agenda. Those who it is only about fear.

1.) If vaccines work, then why is an unvaccinated kid a threat to yours? IS there really a need for a mandate and encroach on other's freedoms if you make the right decision for your child?
2.) If your kid is a marrow recipient or other sick child that can still go to school, first ask yourself why sick people are not supposed to have vaccines; that alone shows they have some issues. There are MANY things you must protect against (not just the unvaccinated) and the onus should be on you (not society) to take the necessary precautions. They need to wear a mask, get good nutrition, be kept away from crowds when you can, hand sanitizer, etc..you child being more vulnerable to disease also put others at risk including both vaccinated and unvaccinated kids. If you are a parent of one of these school-aged kids who goes to school and is ill with something like that, then God bless you and your family. If I saw you in public I'd hope you had a mask on them or didn't have them out at all, but I would not send my kid up to get in infection range; I am a responsible parent.
3.) If you are not the parent of one of these kids and your kid is healthy and vaccinated, then STFU and quit trying to invoke kids like this to support why you want to use the State to force others to get shots.
4.) If you are the parent of an infant that is too young to receive their vaccines, first ask yourself why if vaccines are safe, that your baby is too young? Why must he/she go without and risk infection at all? Next I'd say that if you are a parent of a baby too young to get them, then you can't expect the world to stop for you...you have to do like everyone and do the best you can to not put the baby at risk. Infants do not go to school; this debate is not about them even though someone also invoked them, but the ones that go to day care are supposed to be segregated by age partly for this very reason. As a matter of fact, I would not want an infant too young to receive MMR to be anywhere near an older baby who recently got the MMR shot because the older baby can shed the virus and infect the infant...then, UNVACCINATED children in the same daycare will get the blame. That is most likely what recently happened in the Chicago daycare measles cases.
5.) I can and will take every precaution to keep both my child and your safe...I would not be negligent and send my kid to school if I thought he/she would infect yours...that isn't fool proof, but it is responsibility. Between your kid being vaccinated, and my willingness to respect others fears as best I can, do you really have that much to worry about? Only 1% do not vaccinate in Oklahoma...we do not have an epidemic of these diseases or deaths from them in the school system...why force others to vaccinate then?

Gov't admits vaccines have side effects:


Dr. Offit says infants could take 100,000 vaccines at once...shall we mandate that for the right to go to school?



Jan 24, 2013
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1.) If vaccines work, then why is an unvaccinated kid a threat to yours? IS there really a need for a mandate and encroach on other's freedoms if you make the right decision for your child?

I have no plans to engage with you, but I have to respond to that. You have been told, shown, had it explained to you in the simplest fashion possible, the answer to that question. The fact that you would even ask it proves beyond any doubt that you simple do not care about facts or the truth. It's now clear beyond any doubt that you are simply trolling (I'm not calling you a troll, I have never called anyone on this board a troll).


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Jun 13, 2005
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You tell me. I'm not a Dr., but if there's a potential for one in 100,000 child deaths from a vaccine, don't we owe it to those children to develop a test that would identify incompatible antigens(?) or whatever it is that causes the body to react in a lethal way to the vaccine?

Or are you stating that you do not believe any of these vaccines ever cause a reaction as bad or worse than the disease they immunize against? Don't give us this BS that "you can't prove it", when recorded medical cases never refer to or investigate vaccines as a potential cause.

There's a difference in asking for ANY sort of reference in the face of FUD and emotional enecdotes and screaming you can't prove it. Now in terms of Vaccines being investigated? You're wrong. Any medical journal will have plenty of studies for human side effects. Coupled with decades of research before and after they are approved. Not many aspects of human health even come close to the same level of study and research.

Problem is that it would be extremely difficult to try and eliminate all the variables and intereactions of every human being. The scientific community does a damn good job in elminating said variables to achieve well over a 99% success rate, and it goes well beyond that. Billions of doses of the major vaccines and what problems do you have? Now if one says.... not my child!! More power to them or if they are worried about the possibility, then they need to worry about more significant dangers, such as driving them to school.


Special Hen
Aug 28, 2007
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All those people who lived in an iron lung back in the 30's, or anyone in polio leg braces, or who got measles, whooping cough, or typhoid would seriously like to give you anti-vacc'ers a roundhouse to the face.


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Special Hen Supporter
Jun 13, 2005
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All those people who lived in an iron lung back in the 30's, or anyone in polio leg braces, or who got measles, whooping cough, or typhoid would seriously like to give you anti-vacc'ers a roundhouse to the face.

cause mercuree and borted fetusses....... 'merica by god.

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