I just learned of this today:
I normally focus on national issues regarding gun control, assuming that Oklahoma’s gun traditions were fairly secure. OKC and Norman are now leaning toward Democrats. I suppose that means I’m going to have to refocus my concerns closer to home to protect our rights. I emailed Representatve Rosecrants this morning about this bill. He’s a Dem, thus it probably won’t make much of a difference. We need to start preparing or they are going to try to pull a Virginia-like move here. Magazine capacity is the first step, then it will go in to other so-called “reasonable” restrictions. Time for me to step it up in terms of activism. Anyone here involved in any 2A organizations for networking?
I normally focus on national issues regarding gun control, assuming that Oklahoma’s gun traditions were fairly secure. OKC and Norman are now leaning toward Democrats. I suppose that means I’m going to have to refocus my concerns closer to home to protect our rights. I emailed Representatve Rosecrants this morning about this bill. He’s a Dem, thus it probably won’t make much of a difference. We need to start preparing or they are going to try to pull a Virginia-like move here. Magazine capacity is the first step, then it will go in to other so-called “reasonable” restrictions. Time for me to step it up in terms of activism. Anyone here involved in any 2A organizations for networking?