Open Carry!

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Special Hen
Apr 15, 2010
Reaction score
Guthrie OK
If you think the average person in OK who has gone to the trouble of obtaining a permit to carry by jumping through the legislature's hoops hasn't done enough, then you are free to lobby your legislators to make the requirements tougher and the renewal requirements more stringent. In the medical profession, we are required to present proof of ongoing education when renewing our licenses. Perhaps you think it should be required to do the same in order to exercise our right to carry a firearm as a means of self-defense. I'm not putting words in your mouth, I'm suggesting that if you think we as a general population are not responsible enough to exercise the right our Founding Fathers attempted to guarantee us, you should lobby for more control
of firearms.

Personally, I think we as citizens have a duty and responsibility to train our children and friends in the proper use of said tools... the fact that many haven't and don't is what has led us to the condition we are in today - namely, fighting for the restoration of a right that we never should have let be infringed. I generally fall in the camp of punishing bad behavior, not restricting the rights of those who behave responsibly and respectfully.

I agree with every thing you responded with here. I guess my point is- if we think a CC carrier who does not take the time to train is any safer than a OPEN Carrier who does train... well - those folks are in denial.

I do not expect the to compel me to "train" or increase the standards they tax us over today. I do expect people to have common sense and learn the trade they take up (and that my friend, is probably more than modern society can bear)

See ya
at a Starbucks NOV 1!


Special Hen
Aug 14, 2012
Reaction score
Somewheres else
On a serious note, when we have our opencarry meet and great at Starbucks we should support them with spending some money their. Even if its pastry to thank them for their support for our right to carry.


Special Hen
Aug 13, 2012
Reaction score
Just called the Governor's office to thank her for her commitment to sign SB1733... and asked if there was going to be any kind of signing ceremony. The woman who answered the phone said she didn't know if any plans for a ceremony... that the bill was still on the Governors desk and that she had 5 days to take action. The woman said she would put me down on their list as supporting the bill. Apparently the Governor is getting [a lot] of negative calls. So do your part and call or Fax in support of SB1733...

Governor Mary Fallin
Local: (405) 521-2342
Fax: (405) 521-3353


Supporting Member
Special Hen Supporter
Jan 12, 2007
Reaction score
Just called the Governor's office to thank her for her commitment to sign SB1733... and asked if there was going to be any kind of signing ceremony. The woman who answered the phone said she didn't know if any plans for a ceremony... that the bill was still on the Governors desk and that she had 5 days to take action. The woman said she would put me down on their list as supporting the bill. Apparently the Governor is getting [a lot] of negative calls. So do your part and call or Fax in support of SB1733...

Governor Mary Fallin
Local: (405) 521-2342
Fax: (405) 521-3353


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