Open Carry!

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Special Hen
Mar 29, 2009
Reaction score
LTown to the Lst
The use of ...verbal threats...does not constitute the bats,tire irons,knives, 3-5 friends ..might.
Calling me a Puxxy and me getting into my vehicle and leaving ...might be true...but it does not constitute a show of force by Them.
My thinking: I have the means to stop the situation..permently and immediately....lets not forget the OODA loop.


Special Hen
Apr 3, 2006
Reaction score
12,500ft AGL
I hold a different opinion and I'm trolling?! Whatever, I've been a member of this forum and the shooting community for a very long time. I happen to believe with freedom comes responsibility. If you think simply carrying a gun makes you safer your wrong. I have a decade of service in the army nine in special forces. I've served as a reserved deputy, canine officer, and SWAT medic. I have trained with some of the very best and continue to train with anyone who seeks to not follow dogma but learn the truth. To that end anyone who want to get out the simmunitions and test their theories on open carry I'm all in if you are mature enough to open your mind to the idea that just maybe you don't know what your talking about.

There's a reason police wear the gear they do, and if you think you carrying openly will deter a professional criminal you're wrong. So then whatcha gonna do?!


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Special Hen Supporter
Jun 15, 2005
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OKC area
It's fantastic you know it all and how every scenario will play out and how we all need to handle the situation the way YOU see fit. Thank you for your wisdom on how the universe works and the way it should be handled. Opinions are like A holes, everybody has one.

You're quite welcome....


Special Hen
Aug 23, 2009
Reaction score
There's a reason police wear the gear they do, and if you think you carrying openly will deter a professional criminal you're wrong. So then whatcha gonna do?!

Yes (reason police wear the gear they do). You pursue and overtake bad guys. Thank you. I do not pursue them as a matter of course, so I will choose different gear.

In your opinion, I am stupid. You chose those words carefully, either to troll, or to let me know you are smarter than me and I should just return to my cell until you allow me some time out.

An attitude of superiority from law enforcement makes it quite difficult to give the respect the position deserves and the honor earned by those sacrificing a great deal for the good of the Country. I thank you for your service, but am offended with the presentation.


Special Hen
Apr 3, 2006
Reaction score
12,500ft AGL
You are quite thin skinned. If someone challenges you opinion it's only you who interjects a tone of superiority. I'm not challenging you as a person. I did offer to train and test you or orhers theories cause I am genuinely seeking the truth andI'm willing to be proven wrong and learn from it. Like it or not most aren't and blindly follow dogmas they haven't questioned or tested. I used LE as a reference because they open carry and have adapted how they do it from years of trial and error. Perhaps there is something to be learned from them. No one expects you to pursue criminals but you will be walking among the same public. A mix of good and bad of all degrees. I only listed my background because I was asked. I'll be the first to say I'm no expert and there is much I don't know. That's why I train and will do so until I am no longer able because guess what...your worse possible adversary is training hard.

I don't put my right to carry before anyone else's safety. IMHO if you open carry and do not learn how to keep someone from taking your gun you are irresponsible and endanger those around you.


Special Hen
Apr 3, 2006
Reaction score
12,500ft AGL
So... anyone who's not a LEO is an idiot?

Go back and read what I wrote. I never said anything of the sort. If someone challenges your ideas get enough self esteem to look at all thinks objectively. Test your ideas in real time and full force and see if you're right. If you don't it's only cause your too lazy or too scared.


Special Hen
Aug 23, 2009
Reaction score
Go back and read what I wrote. I never said anything of the sort. If someone challenges your ideas get enough self esteem to look at all thinks objectively. Test your ideas in real time and full force and see if you're right. If you don't it's only cause your too lazy or too scared.

Open carry is stupid IMHO.
To that end anyone who want to get out the simmunitions and test their theories on open carry I'm all in if you are mature enough to open your mind to the idea that just maybe you don't know what your talking about.
You are quite thin skinned.
If you don't it's only cause your too lazy or too scared.

You never called anyone an idiot, just stupid, immature, closed minded, low self esteem, unobjective, thin skinned, scared, and lazy.

I still thank you for your service and disagree with the presentation.
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Go back and read what I wrote. I never said anything of the sort. If someone challenges your ideas get enough self esteem to look at all thinks objectively. Test your ideas in real time and full force and see if you're right. If you don't it's only cause your too lazy or too scared.
You know what bub, I actually went back and deleted my post because after your second post I THOUGHT you were a LEO that I could respect as a person. You just made it clear that you are not. If you take the time to read this whole thread you'll find I've posted my ideas and disagreements without calling people names. I've known plenty of LEO's and your earlier post was textbook superiority mindset. As for thin-skinned, you've got that shoe on the wrong foot.

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