Open Carry!

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Yes....because your lawfully carried firearm is not for intimidating people. It is not a talisman or a charm. It is a tool intended and designed to deliver deadly force when, and only when, deadly force is authorized/required. Showing it, brandishing it, flaunting it or whatever you want to call it prior to deadly force being necessary and/or justified is just plain dumb.

If one can't handle running into a couple of loud mouths in a walmart parking lot without flashing a pistol, one should probably just stay home.
Ditto. That's not to say that you turn your brain off. If you determine the threat is gone before you pull the trigger (ie, the BG drops his weapon, runs away, wets his pants, etc), then put your gun back in the holster, contact law enforcement and let them know what happened.


Perpetually dissatisfied
Special Hen
Oct 23, 2009
Reaction score
Yes....because your lawfully carried firearm is not for intimidating people. It is not a talisman or a charm. It is a tool intended and designed to deliver deadly force when, and only when, deadly force is authorized/required. Showing it, brandishing it, flaunting it or whatever you want to call it prior to deadly force being necessary and/or justified is just plain dumb.

If someone can't handle running into a couple of loud mouths in a walmart parking lot without flashing a pistol, they should probably just stay home. There are plenty of other options that don't require injecting deadly force into that "scenario"....

Have you read any of the stories on here where someone was in the process of being accosted by multiple people or even one person who seemed out of control, but when they put their hand on their pistol, or in one case pulled it out and laid it up on their steering wheel, the offending parties suddenly had somewhere else to be?

I know it's not something to be used in an offensively threatening or intimidating manner, but there are times when you cannot de-escalate the situation any other way, yet simply letting them know you have the means to defend yourself is highly effective in calming or ending the situation at hand.

As for me, if it comes down to that, depending on the situation, I would much rather have the opportunity to let them know I have the means and ability and intent to protect myself and both of us walk away at the end of the encounter, than for me to wait another few seconds until I have absolutely no choice but to kill someone to resolve it.

That's just my opinion... as I said, I know it is not to be use OFFENSIVELY in such a situation, but simply showing (or suggesting) that you have a weapon to de-escalate a situation is not always a bad thing. This is a far cry from using a weapon simply as a talisman when you have no intention or capability of carrying out the threat it suggests, which is a far more dangerous game.


Special Hen
Apr 9, 2007
Reaction score
Broken Arrow
Just my opinion but if a BG brings a can of pepper spray, tire iron, golf club, baseball bat, verbal threats, etc. to a gun fight I would rather let him see what I'm packing before I let the lead fly. Could save us both a lot of trouble not to mention a life because if I pull it I'm going to fire it.


Special Hen
Oct 1, 2005
Reaction score
RE: Brandishing

I did a search of OK law here: and found a number of references to brandishing but no clarification of what constitutes brandishing. Brandishing is illegal in OK for sure based on my search but what actions actually constitute brandishing is still a mystery to me.


Special Hen
Apr 9, 2007
Reaction score
Broken Arrow
Have you read any of the stories on here where someone was in the process of being accosted by multiple people or even one person who seemed out of control, but when they put their hand on their pistol, or in one case pulled it out and laid it up on their steering wheel, the offending parties suddenly had somewhere else to be?

I know it's not something to be used in an offensively threatening or intimidating manner, but there are times when you cannot de-escalate the situation any other way, yet simply letting them know you have the means to defend yourself is highly effective in calming or ending the situation at hand.

As for me, if it comes down to that, depending on the situation, I would much rather have the opportunity to let them know I have the means and ability and intent to protect myself and both of us walk away at the end of the encounter, than for me to wait another few seconds until I have absolutely no choice but to kill someone to resolve it.

That's just my opinion... as I said, I know it is not to be use OFFENSIVELY in such a situation, but simply showing (or suggesting) that you have a weapon to de-escalate a situation is not always a bad thing. This is a far cry from using a weapon simply as a talisman when you have no intention or capability of carrying out the threat it suggests, which is a far more dangerous game.
This makes perfect sense to me.


Have you read any of the stories on here where someone was in the process of being accosted by multiple people or even one person who seemed out of control, but when they put their hand on their pistol, or in one case pulled it out and laid it up on their steering wheel, the offending parties suddenly had somewhere else to be?

I know it's not something to be used in an offensively threatening or intimidating manner, but there are times when you cannot de-escalate the situation any other way, yet simply letting them know you have the means to defend yourself is highly effective in calming or ending the situation at hand.

As for me, if it comes down to that, depending on the situation, I would much rather have the opportunity to let them know I have the means and ability and intent to protect myself and both of us walk away at the end of the encounter, than for me to wait another few seconds until I have absolutely no choice but to kill someone to resolve it.

That's just my opinion... as I said, I know it is not to be use OFFENSIVELY in such a situation, but simply showing (or suggesting) that you have a weapon to de-escalate a situation is not always a bad thing. This is a far cry from using a weapon simply as a talisman when you have no intention or capability of carrying out the threat it suggests, which is a far more dangerous game.
I think this sums it up pretty well.


Special Hen
Aug 11, 2012
Reaction score
wiley_coyote said:
Just my opinion but if a BG brings a can of pepper spray, tire iron, golf club, baseball bat, verbal threats, etc. to a gun fight I would rather let him see what I'm packing before I let the lead fly. Could save us both a lot of trouble not to mention a life because if I pull it I'm going to fire it.

This is my point. I would rather show my hand and clear up the situation before it turns into a bigger problem involving a body bag. That's me, my opinion. You guys who say this is wrong, are trying to bait the BG up to the point you get your kill??

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