So did he authorize the payment or not? Because if he did authorize it, are we to believe that Cohen paid that money out of his pocket as a donation? And didn’t get paid back? If he did get paid back, was it from Trump’s personal and/or business accounts? If so, he’s still in the clear. And to answer another poster, you can absolutely count that payment as a business expense. Trump has a brand to protect. Paying that hush money to protect the brand certainly qualifies as a business expense. So unless there is proof that Cohen paid it and never got paid back or proof that Trump paid it out of his campaign money, then this is a non-story.Funny, that doesn't sound like what I said.
Trump would have been entirely free to spend his own money. He could have taken other actions to discredit the story. What he can't do is accept an over-the-limit campaign contribution, whether in-cash or in-kind...and since it's coming out that he authorized the payoff, he doesn't get to claim innocent victim status.
But yes, when you choose to become a political candidate, you do give up a lot of privacy in favor of public scrutiny. That's a good thing.