Politically incorrect sheriff tells citizens to shoot to kill home invaders to 'save taxpayers money'

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Special Hen
May 17, 2020
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I'd cut Ersland and Joe Kennedy loose in a heartbeat. Thieving bastards got what they asked for.
Ersland is a nut. After watching the video, hearing his 911 calls, public statements, etc. The guy has a screw loose. Wouldn’t trust him with a firearm for a second.
He defended his store from low life criminals & would have been a hero if he followed the law, stayed put, & waited for the cops to show up. But as the video shows, that didn’t happen.


Special Hen
May 18, 2020
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Del City, OK
AFlorida sheriff responded to the criticism and praise he has received for his viral comments about encouraging citizens to use the kill shot against home invaders.

During a press conference in April 2022, Santa Rosa County Sheriff Bob Johnson said, "If someone is breaking into your house, you're more than welcome to shoot. We prefer you to do that, actually." The comments have gone viral again in juxtaposition to a story in New York where a woman was arrested for trying to remove squatters from her property.

Johnson told Fox News Digital in an interview that he stands by his comments and that it's a "no-brainer."

"I said [at the press conference] if you shoot accurately, and you kill the guy, you save taxpayers money. And I also said that if somebody gets killed during a home invasion, the odds of them re-offending are zero. And we like those odds, which we do," he told Fox News Digital......

Since he made the remarks, he claims there has not been a single home invasion.

"And it's kind of ironic that, since that press conference, we haven't had any home invasions, and it's been over a year, so it's kind of odd," he said.

I was listening to that press conference when it was first made. I loved it then, and love it now. 😀


Special Hen
May 17, 2020
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I wouldn’t have convicted the Pharmacist.
Well, that would be jury nullification I believe. Because it’s pretty much an open & shut case, & documented on video.
But, OJ got off on jury nullification. The Pharmacist didn’t. OJ had a better jury I guess

Frank Pope

Special Hen
Sep 26, 2019
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South Tulsa
Damn right. Eliminate the threat. They were armed robbers and took the risk. Innocent store owners are killed needlessly all the time by thugs like him.
Back in the '60s, the DFW area had an outbreak of armed robberies in 7-11 stores. The Dallas County Sheriff decided enough was too much and formed a shotgun squad. They would sit the in coolers @ 7-11, when the armed robbers appeared, they would step out and blow them up. In about 3 weeks, the outbreak was over.
Dec 9, 2008
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Ponca City Ok
Nonsense. He was still breathing. If you shoot someone who is not a threat, it’s murder. That’s the law. Pretty obvious by the video. So, don't murder an incapacitated unconscious thief, stay out of jail.
The hard working man is a lunatic. The kid was a14 yo loser low life. I don’t care about the kid, was making a legal point.
There was a huge discussion about this a few weeks ago. Guess you missed it
I'd cut Ersland and Joe Kennedy loose in a heartbeat. Thieving bastards got what they asked for.
Oklahoma law says it's a legal shoot when it's a threat. If the threat no longer exists, its murder or manslaughter.
You don't shoot someone running away.
They are no longer a threat.
Earsland murdered the kid. He retrieved another weapon and shot him with it when the kid had no opportunity to defend himself. Earsland got the sentence he deserved.
Had he not shot the kid again, and administered some sort of first aid, he would be walking on our streets to this day.
Earsland made a bad decision, and he is paying for it as he should.

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