This. And yesWhat are the brass fittings. Are they caps of somekind? Where could we find them and what is the proper name for them? Thanks
Yes I want the most consistency possibly.Jeda, consistency is really what you are paying for. My load in 260 chronographs at an ES of 13 and a SD of 5. For no brass prep other than primer pocket uniforming, thats just amazing. I have fired factory ammo across the chrono with a 200+ ES! Just remember, every load is the sum of ALL of its parts!
So the slowest was 13 fps slower than the fastest.
And on average only 5 fps off centerline?
Haha I'll be happy if my ES is 100.Yes. You got it.
Haha I'll be happy if my ES is 100.
But in due time I'll see.