Prosperity Gospel/Seed Faith

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Perpetually dissatisfied
Special Hen
Oct 23, 2009
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I also didn't read through all of this... but I agree that the "pastors" who are driving Bentleys or Rolls, living in MASSIVE mansions... kinda sickens me.

Giving should be of free will and not for any gain - other than the satisfaction of knowing you helped someone else out or did the right thing. I don't give money to the church thinking it will come back to me tenfold. Although I try to give sacrificially, trusting that I will be able to pay my bills. It's about faith and trust that God will provide for your needs (not your wants/desires or the things you covet) if you trust Him and honor His commands. I'm not rich, but I'm not broke, either. I get to buy some nice things (though I don't live an extravagant lifestyle by any means), and I have the opportunity to help out friends and family when the need arises. I think that's pretty grand.

Raoul Duke

Special Hen
Jan 28, 2013
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Somewhere in the stillborn state of Sequoyah
I saw an engineering report one time about how the praying hands at Oral Roberts University came to be.

The sculptor made them individually, but on the site, they had to be upright and together. On the trucks they were horizontal.

They used a crane to set them off, and ordered another crane thinking they needed two to keep them from camming over center line, and breaking the fingers. Engineers spent hours discussing how they could do that.

A 10 year neighbor hood kid solved it.

He walked between them, flipped a quarter into the air, and the hands came together with no damage, capturing the quarter.

The quarter is still there from what I hear.....

(another parable from dennishoddy) Chapter....

Thanks for clearing that up, I mistakenly thought the 900ft Jesus placed them there.


Special Hen
Jan 8, 2008
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Robert Tilton has seen midgets grow, he does not make this stuff up!

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Dream Master
Supporting Member
Special Hen Supporter
Aug 16, 2012
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Shawnee, OK
God doesn't need your money... the church does. Not only for benevolence and missionary ministies, but churches have bills too.

The bible does speak of tithing in the old testament, 10% of crops and junk... but the old testament is null and void to christians. The new testament is the new covenant followers had with their savior. While it talks nothing of tithing, it does speak of giving and how gifts should be in keeping with income.

The televangelists pervert and molest the books to keep themselves In a life of financial comfort.

I'm no expert, or religious in the slightest, but that's what I remember growing up in a church.

People like Joel want to inspire and make you feel good... but as the saying goes, if you walk out of church feeling good about yourself, the preacher isn't doing his job.
I agree with this. Except for the last part. My preacher is great but he doesn't just try and build everyone up with every lesson. He also teaches about accountability and sin and repentance. I have watched Joel Osteen many times and I will admit that he is a great speaker, he is not a preacher. He rarely quotes any scripture when he speaks. He only tries to make everyone feel special and like getting to heaven is the easiest thing in the world. He makes millions of dollars by doing this. The bible specifically says that it is easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter heaven. I think that pretty well sums it up. Now that's not to say a rich person can't enter heaven. It's just most rich people put money ahead of God. Giving money will not get you into heaven. Doing what Christ commanded will. And I love at then end of Joel's "lessons" where he tells people to say this prayer and you will be a Christian. Sorry buddy but that ain't how you become a Christian. He needs to try actually reading the bible. Of course he would probably just try and twist the scriptures to mean what he wants them to. That's one of the biggest problems of modern Christianity.


Supporting Member
Special Hen Supporter
Jan 6, 2008
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I agree with this. Except for the last part. My preacher is great but he doesn't just try and build everyone up with every lesson. He also teaches about accountability and sin and repentance. I have watched Joel Osteen many times and I will admit that he is a great speaker, he is not a preacher. He rarely quotes any scripture when he speaks. He only tries to make everyone feel special and like getting to heaven is the easiest thing in the world. He makes millions of dollars by doing this. The bible specifically says that it is easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter heaven. I think that pretty well sums it up. Now that's not to say a rich person can't enter heaven. It's just most rich people put money ahead of God. Giving money will not get you into heaven. Doing what Christ commanded will. And I love at then end of Joel's "lessons" where he tells people to say this prayer and you will be a Christian. Sorry buddy but that ain't how you become a Christian. He needs to try actually reading the bible. Of course he would probably just try and twist the scriptures to mean what he wants them to. That's one of the biggest problems of modern Christianity.

I've watched Joel speak and he creeps me out. He's got shifty eyes and he tries to talk like his cloud is floatin' a little higher then everyone else's.


Dream Master
Supporting Member
Special Hen Supporter
Aug 16, 2012
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Shawnee, OK
In Deuteronomy it lists blessings and curses. Poverty is in the curses list. It goes on to say that God wants the blessings to come upon His people and not the curses. It is clear when reading the ENTIRE Bible that God wants His people blessed in all areas of life because He loves them as children and because more can be done for His cause. I recommend reading the entire Bible several times to get the entire context and to see the overall theme and heart of God. Our financial prosperity is important to Him but it is not His #1 priority as some of (not all) the wealth preachers would lead you to believe. I recommend the book Thou Shall Prosper written by Rabbi Daniel Lapin.
Also, Jesus was wealthy. The wise kings that brought gifts to Him when he was born was equivalent to several million dollars. He started His life as a millionaire. The Bible never states that there were 3 kings that visited. There were likely many more. Kings would bring great gifts! Jesus supported 12 disciples and their families for 3 years. He must have had some cash. The Roman soldiers were gambling to see who would get His clothes.
I could go on but I won't. There are prosperity preachers that are off base and there are those that teach God's intentions. Just like anything, there are the good ones and the ones w impure motives.
I don't know where you get this crap but it ain't truth.

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