If you don't want people to be able to track you then don't post stuff on the Internet. There's all kinds of information that you wouldn't even think about; check out the Panopticlick project to see some of the uniquely identifiable information that your web browser is giving away that you probably never thought of.
Even if you go all secret squirrel and randomly hop between Internet cafes and public libraries, you can still be uniquely identified by things like the structure of your social graph.
You'll just have to take comfort in the fact that you are not important enough for a smart person to care about stalking you. Just make sure to clear your browser cookies after watching porn so that your wife doesn't kick your ass and call it good.
How would someone outside of your LAN see your MAC address?
all that's really gonna do is hide you, somewhat, within your subnet.
but you're not invisible to your network admin.
you're gonna be one of 254 physical addresses on your LAN if I'm correct.