Ricky Gervais Mocks & Rocks: ‘If You Don’t Vote the Right Way, It Makes Me Sad … and I’ll Leave the Country’

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Special Hen Supporter
Dec 9, 2008
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Ponca City Ok
This breaks my heart. I really, really liked his work. Stupid muthafukka. :grumble:
Misinformed on guns but not another subject.
Watched a YouTube video the other day where he was on the View, you know, that hard hitting news program? :laugh6:
When he was asked about racism and what could be done to stop it by the radical leftist idiot, his simple reply was quit talking about it. He got the look from hell from the black chick that's a lawyer and asked him again. He repeated the same answer.
His comments and I paraphrase here was that the media constantly talking about it and fueling racism is what is causing it.
I totally have to agree with him on this comment. Not his 2A stance. No likey.


Special Hen
Jun 4, 2009
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Here, but occasionally There.
Misinformed on guns but not another subject.
Watched a YouTube video the other day where he was on the View, you know, that hard hitting news program? :laugh6:
When he was asked about racism and what could be done to stop it by the radical leftist idiot, his simple reply was quit talking about it. He got the look from hell from the black chick that's a lawyer and asked him again. He repeated the same answer.
His comments and I paraphrase here was that the media constantly talking about it and fueling racism is what is causing it.
I totally have to agree with him on this comment. Not his 2A stance. No likey.

Are you thinking of Morgan Freeman rather than Samuel Jackson?

I remember that Morgan Freeman said the same thing about not talking about racism to both Mike Wallace and later on, Don Lemon. Both Wallace and Lemon were surprised at Freeman's comment.

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