Exactly, I find the people that make the “up close and personal” argument are typically using it as an excuse not to become more proficient at distance. There is no such thing as close target and far targets, just big and small. If you need to put a round in someone's face at 5 yards because good people are around them then you have the same size target as an entire body at 25 yards."It's all going to be up close and personal" = maybe, what about the case where a mass killer was stopped by an individual that took a 45 yard shot with a Glock 9mm
They also do not understand the statistics they base that belief of "most shootings are 3 rounds at less than 3 yards".
Lucky gunner did a great video on how that data is skewed because it comes from police shooting reporting and police have to apprehend people so they are typically much closer and even then it wasn’t as prevalent as it is made out to be.
Also worrying about snagging an optic on clothing is pretty ridiculous, I train to clear my cover garment so thoroughly that I could pull just about anything out without it coming in contact with anything. I also use good high-quality holsters and the keyword in the sentence before is “train“.
People who have not embraced optics on pistols are literally gun Amish. I understand if it is an affordability issue, I understand if they feel competent to get the job done with iron sights alone or it is an ultra minimalistic carry restriction issue, but no one can make an argument that a dot doesn’t add capability over irons.