I was in DC on September 12 for that march. Any figure given by the media which quotes less than a million is inacurate and suspect. I have never been in such a large, friendly, and united crowd before. At one point, an anouncement was made that we did not have permission to be on the Mall and we would have to clear out of that area. At this point, many in the crowd around the stage began to yell, "We OWN the Mall!"
Ladies and Gentlemen, we DO own the Mall. As long as our rights are protected, the First Amendment, Second Amendment, all the way down, we will own the Mall and have the ability to keep it. Let us not forget that we are the People and the government works for us.
Ladies and Gentlemen, we DO own the Mall. As long as our rights are protected, the First Amendment, Second Amendment, all the way down, we will own the Mall and have the ability to keep it. Let us not forget that we are the People and the government works for us.