That's a mystery to me also,but,BB,what if he was a hot agent??
Oh ... THAT would be "different" ... If only they wore those mountie hats and sunglasses while they were working. Methinks there wouldn't be so many complaints! LOL It's all in how you present yourself ... haha!
For future reference.....I'm pretty well trained in that area.
So I have heard ...
Everyone here is such the expert on how poor of a job the TSA is doing. Why dont we hear some of your solutions? Allowing average citizens carry weapons on planes is not the answer. Passengers with guns would just equal terrorists with guns and gunfights at 30K feet inside a big metal tube full of 300 people with no cover is not the answer.
The problem is everyone complains "why am I treated like a criminals", however every time a "shoe/underwear bomber" makes the news the same people are out saying "why cant the government keep me safe?" or "we need better rules for air travel" It is too late to go back to "how it used to be" If you recall the 70's and 80's were packed with hijackings and bombings.
I could just see the posts now if we went with the Israel method. "Why is the government asking me where I am going? It is none of their business. " Since there are people who get offended when a Police Officer asks them where they are going during a traffic stop. Just my two cents. Back to my for the TSA threads.
I think the American Public is having difficulty coming to terms with the products of their liberalism now. Profiling is legally wrong in this country. However, searches, under certain circumstances, have been legally sanctioned for many years. The way I see it the TSA really didn't have a choice ... can you imagine the uproar that would have resulted if they had gone to the Israeli style of interrogation in lines across the country? It would make this mess look like a romper room naptime ...
Now that the flying public has been subjected to the results of the combination of liberal "outrage" over *name your affliction* and legal precedent maybe some of them will catch on to the trouble all that creates for common folks ... I doubt it but one can hope.
And, like I said in my earlier post, just about anyone anywhere can ask me where I am going and what I am doing ... You gotta get permission to put your hands on those ****ies though!
Yes they do.... It's called profiling. An 80 year old great grandma gets screened while people with known ties to terrorist walk through..
You ain't right ... well, you ARE "right" but you ain't "right"!! LOL