Pile all of your precious crap in one room. Guard the door 24\7. Or, you could go about living without being pants-wetting paranoid. Whichever.
Your choice, I understand your point, but completely disagree with you. I think it's very irresponsible as a gun owner, I hear too many stories of "my gun was stolen out of my car/truck" stories. Alarms deter, but don't stop the break in, they will smash/grab and run for the most minor stuff. Your stuff, your choice, just hate seeing more guns getting into the hands of the bad guys, certainly doesn't help build a strong case as responsible gun owners.
Pile all of your precious crap in one room. Guard the door 24\7. Or, you could go about living without being pants-wetting paranoid. Whichever.
You can have the local police to sit guard in your driveway and "Protect and to Serve" ......................... oh wait, I forget that it's not the Police's job to protect you from violence, it's to track down and apprehend the criminal after the fact.
agree^^^^^^^, also I park my vehicles in the garage. I had a car stolen from the driveway years ago.
I know everone doesn't have access to a garage....