Your entire post is your opinion. In my opinion I should be able to own a gun not on the books. If anything, I liked the idea of putting some identifying marker on your drivers license/state ID. If you have the mark you don't get to buy a gun, if you do something that removes your right to purchase a gun, you are required by law to update you license with the mark. IF you get caught not updating your license it's a stiff fine.Listen folks. Wide majority of Republicans and NRA members voted to APPROVE this and frankly I am in agreement. If you are not responsible enough to keep your record clean and think clearly enough to not be clinically diagnosed mentally ill, well than thats your problem. Now, before someone asks who should judge who should be deamed responsible ? If you are offended by this then you probably don't need a gun. Stronger background checks will hurt none of us honest good ol OSA'rs....Sorry boys but Bama is right here.