So There I Was, Coming Home From Spencer's BBQ...

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Oct 27, 2012
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Well, I told you guys I'd keep you up to date and here it is: Farmers (the offending insurance agency) contacted me and said, "we'll pay you $9,000 minus $xxx and $xxx outstanding medical bills and your wife $3,988 minus medial bills etc. I fell for it and came back and said you absorb the medial bills and we'll settle for $10,000 and $3,865.00 and after a couple of days I got to thinking she pulled fast one on me! So today I recinded my settlement offer and said $15,00o for me and $6,000 for the wife because we're going have to live with the end result the remainder of our lives. That adjuster or whatever she is is not my friend!
Whatcha think?
Jun 13, 2005
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I thought about this after revisiting this thread and seeing the picture with the injuries. The cut forehead and black eye are definite indicators to be looking for a possible neck injury.

I was in an accident about thirty five years ago and received a neck injury that I didn’t know I had at the time. About twelve years ago I started to have numbness in my hand and fingers and had to have surgery in my neck. They replaced C5 and C6 with cadaver bone and installed a steel plate. I’m sure that the time to go after the driver who was at fault has long passed, but the point is to get checked out and be sure. At the very least it’s in your medical records which are kept forever.
Oct 27, 2012
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The problem is that I already had neck problems and had to admit that because I don't want to commit insurance fraud. The residual damage that I believe I'll have is arthritis of the right thumb and wrist from my appendage hitting the dash and knocking out the ac vent. As far as I'm concerned, Farmer is getting off very, very easy since we both could have been far more seriously injured.

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