Soros Promotes UN Control Over Gun Ownership(Arms Trade Teaty-ATT)

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Special Hen Supporter
Jun 20, 2005
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Well looky, looky, guess who's supporting the UN's Arms Trade Treaty(ATT). It's none other than George Soros, Obama's puppet master and big campaign contributor. The ATT has the blessing of Sec. Of State Clinton, President Obama and gun grabbing nations everywhere . Soros is using his Media Matters organization to dump Pro-UN propaganda into the aiding & abetting MSM to bolster the United Nations Conference on the Arms Trade Treaty being held in New York July 2–27.
Friday, 06 July 2012 15:12
Soros Promotes UN Control Over Gun Ownership
Written by Joe Wolverton, II

.."Secretary of State Hillary Clinton has announced that the Obama administration is working with the UN to lean on Congress to consent to the ATT."..


Special Hen
Mar 26, 2008
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Well just another moron that supports Obama. And people actually support the things that Obama does. Don't people realize that if he is willing to try and take our 2A rights away then he will try and take everything that he can. He has already dumped ObamaCare on people. Penalizing people because they can't afford health care. What a socialist A-hole. The quicker we get him out the better this country will be.


Special Hen
Mar 26, 2008
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Just like that kyoto treaty, this UN treaty will be something that POTUS signs and then it lies and waits for a favorable senate to ratify it, maybe 8-10 years down the line. With pressure building from the rest of the world that is already disarmed, for the US to ratify it. "Get rid of the antiquated second amendment, and join us civilized folk". Along with maybe a favorable supreme court that will rule that the UN civilian ownership gun ban is perfectly consistent with the 2nd amendment of the USA that deals with "security of a State". These guys are playing a long game to disarm the 100 million gun-owners in the US middle class, which seems to be the last big obstacle in their minds to a utopian one world government. We need to be watchful at every turn.

I'm planning on calling/emailing the 2 OK senators and urging them to speak out against the UN treaty publicly. The more emails and calls they get the better. I'm pretty sure Inhofe and Coburn will vote against it, but they also need to publicly oppose it before it comes out of the UN. And also i plan to ask them to publicly excoriate obama if he signs it. In this election year, making fun of and ridiculing this treaty so it never passes our Senate even in the future, is important. The more it is ridiculed the less chance it has of emerging in later years as a "serious treaty".


FWIW, they need 2/3rds supermajority in the Senate to ratify. Not gonna happen anytime soon. Second, a treaty can't override the Bill of Rights.
I am not an expert on our constitution or our bill of rights. But if this treaty does make it and it gets signed will it go into effect or does it have to go through the senate first and then it goes into effect if it passes? Why are they even meeting if this won't override the bill of rights? You would think that they would know that. If you are right then they are just wasting their time. But I hope that you are right about it. Everyone needs to take this seriously though. I think that people are getting to lax and don't think that something will ever challenge or take away our 2A rights. But I believe that it is right around the corner. Especially with Obama on the verge of getting elected for another 4 years. American gun owners need to be prepared. If something ever happens that could take our firearms away I say that we all stand up and start a war with the ones that are trying to take them away. That is how we will be true patriots and fight for what we believe in. Hopefully nothing will ever strip us of our 2A rights but I am preparing for the time. Yall should to.

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