So the evidence of an Obama plan to restrict gun ownership in the US is the issuance of one fine to one gun range in Illinois by the Department of Labor?
Not exactly a strong case.
It must be awfully tiring for ALL those FOB's doing all those "shovel ready" lib agenda jobs for Barack Hussein Obama. Carrrying all those water buckets full of propaganda/lies just so that Obama can say truefully that HE won't directly sign any legislation that will take our 2nd Amendment Rights away must be really strenuous, backbreaking, exhausting, etc. "work". No, I will admit he won't dirty/soil his hands doing it, but Barack Hussein Obama will erode our 2nd Amendment Rights(UNDER THE RADAR). And it will be done by his lib lap/attack dogs in the local, state & national lib governments and by the local, state & national lib MSM. Those poor lib water carriers must work up a powerful thirst for all that lib Kool-Aid that they have to drink to quench their thirsts and get the bad taste out of their mouths.