In these areas, the measure does not allow affirmative action programs. Affirmative action programs give preferred treatment based on race, color or gender. They also give preferred treatment based on ethnicity or national origin. Discrimination on these bases is also not permitted.
The measure permits affirmative action in three instances. 1. When gender is a bonafide qualification, it is allowed. 2. Existing court orders and consent decrees that require preferred treatment will continue and can be followed. 3. Affirmative action is allowed when needed to keep or obtain federal funds.
So how am I supposed to vote on this? This measure doesn't allow affirmative action programs. . .except when it does?
I thought I knew how to vote on this, then this morning I was going back through the questions and thought "hey, that's a catch 22 there. . ."
Is it broken the way it is now? Is this fixing a profound state of broketitude? It **** being changed just for the sake of change?