Yesterday, my wife let me join her on a shopping trip. We are waiting in line to check out and now since I'm in a wheelchair I'm discovering a whole new world I haven't seen before. Listen folks when I'm lucky enough to stand up I'm 6'6" tall ,so the chair is really new territoty. Stores place all knids of stuff about 3'6" on shelves for kids and people is wheelchairs to find. So... i'm trying to be still... waiting in line, and I see this new product. I never had seen before. It's a "Lint Lizard". What the heck is a "lint lizard"? I some how get the picture in my head that there are people running around collecting lint off of lizards. So... are you supposed to weave this stuff. Does ti make great sweaters? I asked the Lady behind the counter if that was its' purpose and i thought my wife was going to kill me. But I showed her the package and asked her how the people collected lint from lizards, and all the ladies in line cracked up. Then... my wife tolde them that she had to take me out since it was my burthday and she dosen't take me out in public that often. Carol's stare when I began to pick up another package and ask her what it did... would just burn my arm off, so being the 66 year old cool guy that I am, I put the package back and my head down and meekly pushed my wheelchair back to the car. At my birthday dinner last night my daughter when she was told what I did said that's why everone leaves me at home. Somehow they think I make a scene. But I've got to ask you all. If you had seen a package with the name "Lint Lizard" on it... wouldn't you have thought there were people running around catching lizards and gathering lint off of them? so folks, what do you say?