In February of '09, I was diagnosed with Diabetes (typeII). The January before, I weighed in at 246 (6') and I that was WAY too much, so I changed my diet. When I did that, I started getting sick all the time. felt horrible. I went to the doc and they tested me out- early stage diabetes. Most people don't catch it when it first comes around, it takes decades to damage your organs and such. If I had not changed my diet, I would have never known. I now weigh in at 210, with no changes other than diet and I manage my 'betes with diet, no pills. There are two ways you get type II diabetes- one being fat, and two genetics. I recently discovered my grandmother has diabetes (has for years, just never told anybody), my dad most likely died from complications to untreated diabetes this year, and my great grandfather had type II. My grandmother is not obese either. SO I can thank genetics for my situation, but my mom has type II and it is weight related. I never knew it was all around me until I already had it.
MY goal is 180, but it is going to take excersize to get to that point. I am trying to get to 200 on diet alone. Diabetes is much easier to manage under 210 lbs than it is a 212, which is wierd.
MY goal is 180, but it is going to take excersize to get to that point. I am trying to get to 200 on diet alone. Diabetes is much easier to manage under 210 lbs than it is a 212, which is wierd.