The chair I got for my wife when she had her shoulder surgery had a battery backup that would lift the chair back up. Once. Used a pair of 9v rectangular batteries. Was $600 at Sam's Club some years ago.They were saying, "unplug about 10,000 of those coffee pots."
Not this outage, but a concern discovered in another outage.
I get a call around 3am from Mom, she was 85 and middle of the night calls, though not uncommon, were scary.
I awaken to a very dark house and lightning flashes. I grab the phone and Mom says, "the power is off."
Me: "yes, it is, but I can't fix it. It's just lightning, no cellar needed."
Mom laughs, "I know, but I fell asleep in my chair (electric, lift chair), I am reclined, need to go pee and can't get out of this damn chair."
Me, "on my way."