The Beautiful Humanity of Death Row

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Special Hen
May 18, 2020
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Del City, OK
Just using the same logic that the statists use. (inanimate object bad/private ownership bad/liberty bad)
Figured it was a bit of snark. We seem to be trending towards minimum liberty, more and more as we go along. It's been irrigating me quite a bit more as time passes. And nothing I've done in my entire life seems to have helped.

Russ IT Guy

Special Hen
Jun 4, 2023
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Some people need killin', no doubt.
I'm still not trusting our government to carry that out. Too many victims of injustice have been freed by DNA evidence years later. Is it the norm? Absolutely not.
After this show we were watching on DNA a while back and how the recent testing sensitivity improvements, I wouldn't entirely trust DNA anymore either. They literally convicted this guy of murder a while back because his DNA was under the lady's nail, turns out were both transported in the same ambulance a few days apart. Crazy part was the guy was having surgery in another state when the lady was murdered, but a drop of dna was enough smh

Russ IT Guy

Special Hen
Jun 4, 2023
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If a jury of 12 can unanimously say death penalty, there is no doubt.
One innocent may get a wrong conviction. Having a Spread Eagle prosecutor, that is known to conceal evidence and manufacture evidence, in order to get a conviction, could convict innocents. Any prosecutor or defense attorney manufacturing or concealing evidence should replace the prisoner and serve out their sentence.

For those who confess, are caught in the act, or have positive identification from a witness; absolutely. Taxpayers paying 25+ years, awaiting final sentencing is BS.
Hanging, at noon Saturday, on the court house Square would be a deterrent and guarantee of no repeat offenders.
Completely agree with everything you mentioned, except the jury part. Courts are way too forceful with making the jurors come to a unanimous vote when there's a few jurors that firmly don't agree, but are pressured to comply to get out of there.


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Special Hen Supporter
Jan 12, 2007
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After this show we were watching on DNA a while back and how the recent testing sensitivity improvements, I wouldn't entirely trust DNA anymore either. They literally convicted this guy of murder a while back because his DNA was under the lady's nail, turns out were both transported in the same ambulance a few days apart. Crazy part was the guy was having surgery in another state when the lady was murdered, but a drop of dna was enough smh
While it seems like a stretch, this is entirely possible. I would never willingly give my DNA in ANY investigation, no matter how heinous the crime was. Reason, we all leave DNA literally everywhere we go. With DNA collection and analyzation becoming so sensitive and precise (think touch dna or shed skin cells), your dna could conceivably be transferred to things you never actually touched and places you've never actually been.


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Special Hen Supporter
May 17, 2020
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Pol Pot was "round em up and kill em all."

Those on death row were put there ONE AT TIME, evidence, trial by peers, Judge sentenced. 20+ years room & board is BS. Put in the express lane and line them up.

Huge difference.
Negative. I was speaking specifically about the Khmer Rouge slogans, which is the opposite of the US legal system history & values >“It is better that ten guilty persons escape than that one innocent suffer”

This was my reply to post 21 that said it’s ok to let an innocent person die by mistake. Which is exactly in line with Pol Pot sayings & not in line with US legal values. So, the poster was in agreement with PolPot, regarding these quotes.

(From Pol Pots little red book, page 208-209 . “better arrest an innocent person than leave a guilty one free”, “Better to kill an innocent by mistake than spare an enemy by mistake.”)
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