I also am a filthy civilian, so I know nothing, and of course, this is all for fun. But, in the western half of the state, especially towards the panhandle, you can undoubtedly see 500 yards at any time and it feels closer than I'd ever want to see another human with a rifle wishing to do me harm. Here's a photo for context... That clearing in the picture starts at 200 yards and then where the bushes pick back up is about 350. It's just over 600 yards to the nearest road in that direction and I know the cars I have seen in that direction sure look close.
If there was cover and hills every 50-100 yards, then fine, get closer or get out of there, but in reality, we live in Oklahoma so it's flat as hell and there's a tree every once in a while.
I might not be shooting at extended distances because it's hard to judge intent, but I definitely want to know what is going on over there and it is not at all out of the realm of possibility in this theoretical situation.
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