Think it's eazy to get a firearm from the Tulsa Police Property Room (Think Again.)

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Special Hen
Jul 17, 2022
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Tulsa Oklahoma
Mind giving some backstory for this? As in what happened to cause you to go to trial etc. Just the cliff notes version is fine.
Glad you asked my fellow forum member i was at Golds Gym on Memoral with my then wife it was july 16 2010 i had no care in the world there was no open carry then I had a CC Carry, wife was behind me maybe 50 yards in the cross walk a guy came speeding up wife just walked slower guy had to stop he was unhappy i had no idea this was happening guy went past me I went in the golds Gym just walked past te desk went to the locker room, was putting my Glock23 into my gym bag and was putting bag in a locker.

This guy walked up said did you just come into the gym, i thought he was some type of gyms securty person and wanted to see my membership card, he looked into my bag saw my Glock and just walked away.

There were others in locker room changing their clothing i changed locked the locker and went out into the gym, then the manager walked up said another gym member has just told her i pointed a gun at him and threatened to kill him i said not me that is crazy she said the police were called and sure enough here came a cop a really worthless Tulsa cop anyway i am standing with my wife cop asked if i had a gun i said yes the cop she asked where is it i said in locker room in my gym bag, wife started to tell her about the guy she had slowed in cross walk cop said "SIT DOWN or I will ARREST YOU TO.

Never asked to talk to anyone who had been in locker room was in a hurry it was a Saturday hot as hell it was noon she was eating lunch getting ready to go off shift when asked to go to Golds Gym check on a threat with a gun she never did any type of invetagating just wanted to arrest me and take me to jail and be off duty.

I never got to say anything she took a statment from the guy i was arrested taken to jail booked in for pointing a fireare at a person.
Since we had no open carry was told the guy should not have seen my gun, later besides being unhappy with my then wife he was an ANTI FIREARM person probley a DEMOCRAT maybe related to Joe Biden.
Then my long trip through the Okalhoma Justice or Non Justice system began.

Is that enough of a cliff Verson for you?
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Supporting Member
Special Hen Supporter
Dec 27, 2020
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In your momma’s bedroom.
I went through something similar with a different outcome. Had a stolen gun found in a bordering county. The sheriff deputy called me and said come pick it up. Gave me the location and hours they were open. I showed up, he gave me the gun and I walked out and went home. Pretty easy all in all.

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