I'll back that up 100%. Minute of target for most models, but they were not designed to be target shooters. They can be modified to be more accurate by a competent smith that works with them, but your gonna pay and they still won't be tack drivers after shelling out all the $$$.Aks are like 1970 Lincoln’s and some of the other tanks that existed then. They are tough as nails. They take a beating and keep running. If want to have a tried and true battle rifle the AK is a good choice. you wont find much better. However, if you want a pin point accurate rifle the AK is not for you. You won’t ever shoot MOA or sub with it. It’s all about the “accurate enough” concept. To me.... they are fun, but not my battle rifle choice. Ammo is dirt cheap. They shoot anything. Ammo is always available somewhere. You make the choice. I’ll tell that AKs are a lot like everything else. You get what you pay for. A 400.00 dollar AK is just that. The more expensive, and more brand name the better they tend to be.
Good luck