This could turn bad, march on D.C.

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Special Hen Supporter
May 16, 2006
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Well Adam Kokesh is being held at a federal detention center so his schedule may be impacted a little bit.
"If you are doing something as serious as encouraging people to bring loaded weapons to an illegal march, it is very dumb to put yourself in a position where you could be arrested for pot in a public place," Penley tells Whispers. "People should really think [before] joining his loaded weapon march on D.C."



Special Hen
Apr 20, 2013
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If a person was an avid Second Amendment Abolitionist and willing to get people killed for their cause, this is exactly the type of event they would set up.

1. Get a bunch of extremist fools together in one place who are thirsty for blood and hungry for Civil War.
2. Let them work themselves into a frenzy in a group for a few hours before the March with words of revolution and Bravado in an "Unanticipated" delay before the March begins.
3. In the event #2 doesn't happen on its own, plant a few shills in their midst to work them up into an angry mob.
4. Have the shill fire a shot into the air when confronted by the police if one of the "Fools" doesn't beat them to it.
5. Stand back and watch the blood bath unfold.
6. Hit the talk show rounds apologizing, explaining how the event changed your mind about the 2nd Amendment and the type of people who own firearms.
7. Enjoy a lifetime of fame & wealth from the left as the man who single handedly made possible the 28th Amendment abolishing the protections of the Second.

If one is a Second Amendment Abolitionist or a colossal fool, this March is a great idea. If a single idiot shows up, the whole thing blows up into the most powerful media campaign against firearms the world has ever seen.

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