To the naysayers about X-bows

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Apr 5, 2009
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Midwest City
To the folks who think that x-bows means lots more hunters in the woods during archery season.

Don't know if they're right or not, but if it DOES mean this, then I submit this hypothesis for your discussion - that this is a good thing, more than bad, primarily because during archery seasons, you have many more opportunities at does than you do bucks (relative to rifle seasons), since it's not during the rut (except for the mid-season I suppose), and since people are less likely to pass up any shot they get (since archery is so much more challenging and shots are few and far between), people are gonna harvest more does. ML season is just before the rut, during pre-rut chasing phase, and gun season is just after or in some parts of the states, at the tail end of the rut. Early and late archery season are not.

So, more does harvested, relative to bucks. This is good.

Unless it backfires, and the new x-bow people go out and hunt only during the mid-archery season, from Nov 1 to Nov 14. Or shoot a bunch of button bucks. Or both. Thoughts?

Semi-related tangent question: On a 6 month old fawn, from 20 yards, do you think that you ordinarily CAN or CANNOT tell it's a button buck from the dark spot/ matting of the fur (from the metatarsal gland secretions) on the outside of the rear feet/legs, if you look for it? I guess it depends upon what angle you're sitting at and how high the grass is.


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Special Hen Supporter
Dec 9, 2008
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Ponca City Ok
I need to look at my latest big game report that is given out by the ODW every year in the fine Outdoor Oklahoma magazine they produce. It has a breakdown of the number and types, and dates of kills with the different methods of taking.
The X bow could have an impact, but I seriously doubt it.

As far as the button bucks, its difficult to tell them from a doe, looking at them standing/walking by themselves. Easiest way for me is to look at the short blocky snout, and thin torso with no sagging belly. They are usually walking without a care in the world as they have never been shot at before, and are not as spooky as a mature doe.
IMHO mature does are much more observant and spooky than bucks.

The few times I've taken a button buck, it has been by itself, but that was several years ago. Now, I look for the family groups, and its pretty easy to pick out the biggest doe, and take her.


Special Hen
Nov 16, 2009
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Backwoods, OK
Reply to the semi-related tangent question, anyone that puts the crosshairs on a 6 month old fawn, probably doesn't really care if it is a buck or doe. I'm not saying it is right or wrong to shoot one, just saying that if you are, you are probably a meat hunter and not shooting for management. Them little spotted things are quite tasty I have to admit!

As for the rest of it, I don't think the x-bow hunters are going to put much of a significant dent in the harvest totals. #1, by using a crossbow, they are possibly trying to take the easy way out. Archery hunting is difficult. You've got to get right on top of them undetected to get a shot. I'd kinda doubt that many people are switching from traditional archery to xbow, I would guess that the majority are gun hunters wanting to have more opportunities to hunt, so they choose the easiest legal method. If they weren't doing it just to take the easy road, they would have picked up a bow long ago. So with that being said, by next year you will probably be able to find some good deals on 1 yr old used xbows on craigslist. That's just my opinion.


Special Hen
Apr 19, 2009
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Broken Arrow
I pass on all deer until I fill my two buck tags or until late season which ever comes first. Take last year for instance, I shot a mature buck the second weekend of archery and the second buck around the second week of november. Once both tags were filled, I then started "My Doe Campaign".


Special Hen
Oct 2, 2006
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Oklahoma City, Oklahoma
I see it this way we are overrun with does or at least the places we hunt, last year we were on a small hill not really hunting but just got out of the house for several hours didn't even take a rifle, sit there for a couple hours drank a couple beers, shot the shat with a buddy and smoked a cigar and STILL saw at least a dozen does! this year you have to shoot your does first then a good buck. figure it this way and this is IF your lucky, you have 2 does and a buck, they get together have a good time and next year you have that same buck and 2 does BUT they had fawns so no you have the buck and 4 more deer and the cycle continues until either the buck falls over dead from being friendly with the others or the food runs out.

Fella's I've yet to find a good way to cook those antlers to make them taste very good! get out there and manage your deer herds or it's going to get bad. Go out around T-Bird lake and just look those deer might weigh in around 50# but there's a mess of them. Shoot some does. Later,



Special Hen
Feb 15, 2009
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When i got online i was going to post crossbow thread, but this one was at the top so i will just post in it. I will be in the woods with my crossbow this year. I bow hunted last year and put an arrow through a six pt and never found any blood on the ground, just a bloody arrow. My dad and I looked for hours. I probably would have given up bow hunting after that. I heard about the crossbow law and happened to go by bass pro outlet store in springfield and got a good deal on a horton summit 150. I got it sighted in and feel comfortable i can make a good kill shot at up to 40 yards. I never felt that comfortable with the compound. So, i think that maybe the majority of the people hunting with crossbows are like me who would bow hunt but dont dont spend the time practicing it takes to be proficient. I might take a doe with it, but will not take a small buck because i dont want to use one of my buck tags for a little one. This crossbow law will give me more time in the woods to possibly get a trophy.


Special Hen
Jun 25, 2005
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Reply to the semi-related tangent question, anyone that puts the crosshairs on a 6 month old fawn, probably doesn't really care if it is a buck or doe. I'm not saying it is right or wrong to shoot one, just saying that if you are, you are probably a meat hunter and not shooting for management. Them little spotted things are quite tasty I have to admit!

As for the rest of it, I don't think the x-bow hunters are going to put much of a significant dent in the harvest totals. #1, by using a crossbow, they are possibly trying to take the easy way out. Archery hunting is difficult. You've got to get right on top of them undetected to get a shot. I'd kinda doubt that many people are switching from traditional archery to xbow, I would guess that the majority are gun hunters wanting to have more opportunities to hunt, so they choose the easiest legal method. If they weren't doing it just to take the easy road, they would have picked up a bow long ago. So with that being said, by next year you will probably be able to find some good deals on 1 yr old used xbows on craigslist. That's just my opinion.


My Dad deer hunted in Arkansas when they made crossbows legal. A bunch of gun hunters bought them thinking it would extend their hunting season. Most of them got rid of the crossbows after the first season. They were heavy, noisy and no more accurate than bows. The only advantages they offered was that you didn't have to draw with the deer within range and you didn't have to practice as much. I don't think they will have a serious effect on the number of deer harvested in bow season. The numbers may go up a little simply because there are a few more hunters, but they can't replace good hunting skills.

Tyson C.

Special Hen
Nov 4, 2009
Reaction score
I got it sighted in and feel comfortable i can make a good kill shot at up to 40 yards. I never felt that comfortable with the compound. So, i think that maybe the majority of the people hunting with crossbows are like me who would bow hunt but dont dont spend the time practicing it takes to be proficient. .

im not knocking you at all so don't take this wrong...there are a lot of people i feel this way about>>>but practice, practice, practice. anyone can hit a target at 40yds, but do you hit consistant spots. not meaning bullseye after bullseye, splitting arrows, but good groups, this is what counts.

this is my minor problem with the X-bow generation in Oklahoma coming up, you feel comfortable because its like a rifle, but can you hit the heart, lungs, etc... that is what counts....not being comfortable but being CONFIDENT and smart before/after the shot. also select the right setup arrow shaft, tip etc....

you found a bloody arrow...thats good; no blood could of been bad placement. it makes no sense saying "i shot this deer and couldn't find it, so i am going to go buy a different setup". (practice, practice, could save you time and dollars on the hunt, besides bow practice is the cheapest thing on the market next to spear chunking :))

i welcome the X-bow, as long as people get to understanding you have to hit the spots that count... X-bows are not heat seeking missles (goes for anything hunting) hell practice on a little button buck or doe....before you plug a wall hanger and can't find it.....

i am not the mighty hunter and know it all...but get confident with your weapon of choice, i love my BOWTECH compound bow, wouldn't give it up unless i became handicapped and needed a crossbow.

have fun and good luck to all this season.....

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