Trump Conviction: What Does It Mean For The Country?

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May 28, 2021
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Stillwater, OK 74075, USA
But wait, Hunter gets convivted, the stress sends Pedo Joe over the edge and a medical step down or State Funeral occurs. Kamala will be a "finger in the dyke" so to speak to allow Mike & Newsome or even Hillary to get selected at DNC convention.
Or evidence from Hunter gives Joe a Felony corruption with no spin doctored defense and he steps out to avoid prisecution


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Special Hen Supporter
Dec 9, 2008
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Ponca City Ok
But wait, Hunter gets convivted, the stress sends Pedo Joe over the edge and a medical step down or State Funeral occurs. Kamala will be a "finger in the dyke" so to speak to allow Mike & Newsome or even Hillary to get selected at DNC convention.
Or evidence from Hunter gives Joe a Felony corruption with no spin doctored defense and he steps out to avoid prisecution
It isn't going to be Kamala. The dims are in panic that it may have to be her though so as not to appear "racist". I hope she is.


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Oct 14, 2021
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Not unless scotus changes its political makeup, which is a very long shot for the Dems. Aint gonna happen. Dems are crying for Sotomayor to retire now as they don’t want another Ginsburg fiasco. Thomas & Alito are having the time of their lives in the majority . So the probability of the political makeup changing in the next 4 yrs is real slim
No offense but I don't share your confidence in our so called conservative majority. Just last month they ruled AGAINST tightening the laws on civil forfeiture which has been viscously abused. People who have not even been charged with any crime have had their cash, cars and even homes confiscated without a trial or often even a charge and they've received no relief from SCOTUS. What about Obamacare, I recall it was "guaranteed" the conservative court wouldn't support it's blatantly un-constitutional basis but good ol John Roberts not only voted for it (twice) he rewrote part of it to give them a leg to stand on. I never heard of even a liberal justice doing that. I truly believe they have some pics of that guy somewhere they pull out when they need him to cave on some critical decision. My greatest fear is the social and media pressure every time some loon goes on a rampage will sway some of the so called conservative justices to mutilate our 2nd amendment and once the camel gets his nose under the tent on that right its all over. I'm not in any way a conspiracy theorist but neither do I suffer from "normalcy bias" which convinces people that because a thing hasn't happened before it won't happen now. That's simply wishful thinking.


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Special Hen Supporter
Oct 14, 2021
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I've said for months, they will find a way to kick bidum to the curb and wheel in their "dream team".....Newsome and Moochele.
I honestly think Moochele is too ****ing lazy to run or serve. Now ol hatchet face Hillary would give two of her 3 balls to run. You see HER election was STOLEN! That's not election denial, you have to be a Republican to be an election denier. Not only is she an election denier she is definitely an ERECTION denier.


Bolt Shooter
Special Hen
Feb 6, 2023
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Somewhere close
It means nothing, even if they put him in jail. Most of the people that care about America sit on their hands, whine, speculate and boast what if this or anything else that takes away another piece of their freedom. Today marks the 80th anniversary of D-Day and 90% of the folks that call themselves Americans could care less, going about what’s important… Beer, Recliner and football. Like I stated Americans lost another little piece of their freedom when the conviction was read but could care less. Oh don’t worry you can fix all of this in the upcoming election…yeah Right!


Special Hen
May 18, 2020
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Del City, OK
No offense but I don't share your confidence in our so called conservative majority. Just last month they ruled AGAINST tightening the laws on civil forfeiture which has been viscously abused. People who have not even been charged with any crime have had their cash, cars and even homes confiscated without a trial or often even a charge and they've received no relief from SCOTUS. What about Obamacare, I recall it was "guaranteed" the conservative court wouldn't support it's blatantly un-constitutional basis but good ol John Roberts not only voted for it (twice) he rewrote part of it to give them a leg to stand on. I never heard of even a liberal justice doing that. I truly believe they have some pics of that guy somewhere they pull out when they need him to cave on some critical decision. My greatest fear is the social and media pressure every time some loon goes on a rampage will sway some of the so called conservative justices to mutilate our 2nd amendment and once the camel gets his nose under the tent on that right its all over. I'm not in any way a conspiracy theorist but neither do I suffer from "normalcy bias" which convinces people that because a thing hasn't happened before it won't happen now. That's simply wishful thinking.
If you're talking the current GOP, they're no longer even remotely conservative. Haven't been for years.


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Special Hen Supporter
Feb 12, 2009
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Under your bed
Here's what I think will happen in July when they sentence trump. They will most likely put him in prison, and do you remember what happened to Jeffrey Epstein. And what could any of us do about it I sure hope I am wrong.
Jeffrey isn't dead LOL.
He's living large in Argentina.
There's video of him being taken out a back door (alive) to a white van.
He has they money to evade that kinda crap

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