Trump to halt 'massive' ObamaCare subsidies

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Dec 22, 2015
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Lawton, OK
I admit it's an outdated graph, but let's not also forget that the recession of 2008-2009 and the bailouts also screwed our budget

Reagan cut taxes massively while ballooning military spending.
Military spending that ended the cold war. It is what it is, get over it. At least it wasn't debt to support welfare like Obamas entire 8 year tenure
Aug 10, 2015
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Coalgate, Ok.
Jump in here real quick. Pre existing health issues are not often lifestyle.
I'm in great shape. I've always been in great shape. My first Heart attack happened when I was running 3 miles a day 7 days a week and lifting weights 3 days a week. My bmi was great and my cholesterol is so low I have to take meds to try and raise it. I have two brothers that died of Heart attacks all caused by heredity.
My back problems came from working my entire life.
I'm in super good shape but will be on expensive meds for the rest of my life.
These are pre existing conditions not caused by lifestyle.
I'm lucky because I have great insurance from my employer.
If anyone wants to be the judge of lifestyles, you might look around and notice a ton of the people you know are dead or dying and most of those aren't on drugs or eating donuts 24/7. It's called the human condition.

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