Tulsa PD shoots unarmed black man

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Special Hen
Aug 7, 2008
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Heard one of the 911 called mentioned the car blowing up, may have been talking about the engine but that line probably put the cops in the wrong mind set. Now the guy walks back to the car and reaches in. What would you be thinking.

after that 911 call where both the dispatcher and caller were laughing about the absurdity of the situation, i'd expertly position myself to make one strategic shot after the the tazer was deployed. then i'd make a tactical retreat behind the nearest cover and cry.


Special Hen
Aug 15, 2012
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"they were on their way to a call. instead of doing their job, they stopped and killed a man who had committed no crime, and wasn't even suspected of a crime"

Was this planned or impromptu? LOL Craziest thing I've seen typed here in awhile. Some of you are making decisions without all of the facts.


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Special Hen Supporter
Jan 12, 2007
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Looked like the guy was reaching for a weapon to me. Hopefully they put me on that jury.

But he wasn't. How would you deal with that fact? She and the other officers had multiple other options they chose not to exercise. Failure to comply with a lawful command is not a capital offense. :(

What he really actually had is irrelevant. Did the cop reasonably believe he was reaching for a weapon? These things happen fast and if he did have a weapon both those cops could have been dead. The guy was refusing orders from what I understand so they had every reason to be on edge.

On edge, yes. Kill a man because they're on edge? No.

So the question will become, does reaching for something constitute lethal force in this situation. One could argue that had it been a gun he could have killed all of the cops. One could also argue that even had he pulled a gun with that many officers, with guns on him, it could have been handled once the threat was realized not perceived.

My question is what are the lead up events. All we hear about is a broken down car on a street, he did nothing else wrong. Then why are there multiple units on the ground and a helicopter? Id like to understand the whole situation, but it does not look good for her.

No. You have to determine to a "reasonable person" standard that the person HAS a weapon and is about to point it at you. We've had shoots where a person turns with a dark or shiny object and is shot on the assumption the item was a weapon, only to be a innocuous object. Most of those shoots are ruled justifiable due to the object. In this case, it appears that the lethal shot was fired as he reached towards the passenger compartment and that the bullet entered the side, which would be prior to any turning or presentation of an object. Transverse thorax shots have a high percentage of lethality, because multiple organs are in the path of the bullet.

My early speculation is that the dude was fawked up on something and that's why his car was left there in the first place. I doubt it was car trouble (middle of the road?). If that's the case he still didn't earn an extra hole. I see big black dudes fawked up on drugs all the time when I'm walking my dog and never kill them. I don't have paid suspension at work though. Someone's gotta pay the mortgage around here.

She clearly shot him accidentally. Who, after any minimal amount of training, fires 1 shot at a 'threat' intentionally? He stayed vertical for a bit after the shot. If he was ever a threat he was still a threat and any of us or any cop that was intentionally shooting would have kept shooting until the threat was neutralized.

She Bob Bates'd him. I kept listening for "IM SORRY" after "SHAWTS FIRED"

This video shows and you hear the shot better than some of the other videos (if the audio and video are in sync).

The gunshot report happens right as the time goes from 1:38 to 1:39. He doesn't actually fall until 1:51, which would explain the appearance of blood on the door of the truck.


He never turned and the shot (again, if the audio and video are in sync), would've had to occur almost as soon as the Taser was deployed. That and the fact that is was a single shot, would tend towards sympathetic response as the reason for the shot. The subject never turned towards the officers after the shot. He just kind of hangs on the truck until he falls backwards.

Heard one of the 911 called mentioned the car blowing up, may have been talking about the engine but that line probably put the cops in the wrong mind set. Now the guy walks back to the car and reaches in. What would you be thinking.

Me personally? I'd be defaulting to training on managing unknown contacts (MUC). In this case where you've lost control over the subject and you have backup on scene, fall back to cover and deploy a rifle. Also, considerations such as spacing, clear lines of fire and comms come into play. If you're really concerned that your large, uncooperative subject is returning to his vehicle to get a weapon, why would you leave cover and advance on him of you aren't committed to preventing him from reaching the vehicle? Why didn't she Taser him before he reached the back corner of the truck?

It's easy to MMQB her from the safety of a computer in a controlled environment, but the one thing I see time and again in these marginal shoots, is a tendency to overcommit to the apprehension. If you can't control the subject, then control the terms of engagement! Back off and utilize all your available resources. If he gets in the truck and takes off, then you'll have an army of officers on hand when he's finally stopped. If he gets a gun, you'll have cover and tactical spacing with multiple angles of fire to work him. Get the long guns and use them, that's what they're there for!

All in all, it's a sad day for everyone involved. Nobody won this one. :(


Special Hen
Jul 23, 2009
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There is no sound on the video and all we see is the back of the officers heads. About 99.9% of the time when a cop is aiming a gun at someone the officer is yelling "DON"T MOVE" or "GET DOWN ON YOUR KNEES!!". The guy ignored their commands and kept moving and is probably reaching in the car, maybe for a gun, or maybe for some Lolipops to give the cops. Your'e gonna get shot most of the time so why don't people comply with the officer's commands? That seems to be the common denominator in nearly all of the black people getting shot by cops lately, not obeying the command to "not move" when they have a gun aimed at you.


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Special Hen Supporter
Jan 12, 2007
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There is no sound on the video and all we see is the back of the officers heads. About 99.9% of the time when a cop is aiming a gun at someone the officer is yelling "DON"T MOVE" or "GET DOWN ON YOUR KNEES!!". The guy ignored their commands and kept moving and is probably reaching in the car, maybe for a gun, or maybe for some Lolipops to give the cops. Your'e gonna get shot most of the time so why don't people comply with the officer's commands? That seems to be the common denominator in nearly all of the black people getting shot by cops lately, not obeying the command to "not move" when they have a gun aimed at you.

Apparently you didn't watch the video I posted. Yes, there is sound and you can plainly hear the gunshot where I said it was. A gunshot report has a higher decibel level than shouted commands. Just because the mic doesn't pick up the sound of verbal commands, doesn't mean it can't pick up the sound of a Glock 22C being fired. :(


Special Hen
Aug 13, 2012
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no, those are the facts. they had a call, he wasn't it, they could have easily gone around, and continued to where they may have been needed, and not murdered a guy with car trouble.


Special Hen
Aug 20, 2012
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The guy refused to comply the last 30 years. A lot of intoxicated arrests. Numerous obstructing officers, Associations with shootings, Hanging with other felons, Trafficking drugs, sooner or later the odds of running into an officer that shoots you goes up. Simple math here

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