Unmarked police cars in Tulsa…

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Mar 24, 2023
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I'm sorry but social statistics are as much voodoo as they are "actual science". It's impossible to control all the variables and the people paying for the data always have an agenda. Therefore, every social statistics study makes assumptions. When presented, most of them outright imply a cause and effect where none is proven. Even the ones that don't imply, are carefully presented in a way that's designed to draw the reader into making inferences where any conclusion is unwarranted.

Simply put, a government that governs least, governs best. It shouldn't be authorized to save us from ourselves, because that's a recipe for a government that inevitably governs in its own self-interest. If it can give you what you need, it can take whatever it wants.

You've already abandoned your self-determination to the nanny state. Feel free to keep that to yourself, or go where you're in the majority. We don't need it here.
Stats are voodoo. Got it. Our local government already governs in it's own self interest but because you agree with it then you see no fault.
My self determination is self preservation, but I also believe that if I'm paying for something I should have every right to access it.
We don't need it here.
It's also terrible that your go to statement is devolving to "if you don't like then leave" again. I have every right to be here as you but you don't hear me saying I think you should leave.

After all, We the people...


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Jun 13, 2005
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What would be a better word than enjoys? Needs? Wants? Can't live without? And when it comes to owning any gun you want, I'm sure most people would be ok with that if it was in a database but that's not a conversation that most want to have. I personally don't see the need for anyone to have a fully automatic (aside from maybe hogging cuz those vids are fantastic) or a rocket launcher but I guess that's the "liberal" in me.

I guess that IS the liberal in you then lol.

Tbh no one needs an AR to defend their home because unless you live a specific type of lifestyle and are not properly trained you shouldn't need more than 10 rounds to stop an intruder.

Straight from the lips of a liberal politician. What if there is more than one intruder? Let's not even get into the notion that liberals think 10 rds in a gun somehow magically equates to a safer gun. Good god you people are ignorant.

That said, I thoroughly enjoy Sig but it's definitely not the first thing I reach for when I hear a bump in night. And if we don't want to place blame on guns then where does it need to be placed?

Probably the individual that commits murder? Yes, yes, I know..... accountability is a dirty word.

Mental health? Are you in support of tax money going to help with that or is that also a no? I would actually like you to explain it because I truly do wish to hear your perspective if you truly are wanting to give it.

It doesn't really matter what I think as that's a red herring but I fully support a comprehensive mental health policy.

Show me a liberal who tells someone how they should vote and live their life and I'll show you the same from the other side of the aisle. People are people after all.

Coming from a heathen, I don't see a lot of conservatives trying the force people to accept their pronouns. I don't see them labeling everyone a racist or bigot to disagrees with them when they have no factual basis for their arguments. I mean I don't have a problem trying to shoo christians away from my kids, but I've had to explain what a drag queen is to my 7yr old.

False equivalence is false.

Besides one summer, what else causes Seattle to be a liberal shyt hole?

Again, I must ask if you are being obtuse?

If not, where do you want to start?

Gun laws?
Tent Cities?
Drug Policies? (they've somewhat backtracked on this)
LE Hostility/Defund the police?

Need more?

And why is it just that one city bring harped on?

Oh we can do other cities too lol.


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Special Hen Supporter
Jun 13, 2005
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And I'm sorry but statistics aren't metrics defined by liberals, there's actual science and data to back them up unlike a "freedom index" but I get what you mean by the latter.

Actually Liberals have shown they are quite good at manipulating data to get the outcome they desire. In terms of statistics, one has to understand that the data is only as good as the science behind it. Namely, we aren't talking about PRJ level science here, IF there's science behind it at all. However, people love their "FACTS" but many don't know any better, and only believe something to be a fact when someone else told them it was.


Mar 24, 2023
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Straight from the lips of a liberal politician. What if there is more than one intruder? Let's not even get into the notion that liberals think 10 rds in a gun somehow magically equates to a safer gun. Good god you people are ignorant.
Again, a well trained owner can deal with more than one intruder with a handgun. My sig holds 16 and if I've got more than that many people coming for me I'm not living right. (Or I can grab my other 16 round Sig or 12g buck shot)
Mag limitations don't equal a safer gun, it means it takes more time to dump more rounds. And I'm a situation where small humans are in the way I'd prefer that.

Probably the individual that commits murder? Yes, yes, I know..... accountability is a dirty word.
Sweet. Glad we agree that only accountable people should own weapons and that there should be background checks and a national database to prevent the wrong people from having them. Accountability and all...

It doesn't really matter what I think as that's a red herring but I fully support a comprehensive mental health policy.
It does matter what you think because I asked and actually value opinions, differing or not. I'm glad you agree that we should have a universal healthcare or at least some sort of public option. (At least that's how I'm interpreting this 😉)

Coming from a heathen, I don't see a lot of conservatives trying the force people to accept their pronouns. I don't see them labeling everyone a racist or bigot to disagrees with them when they have no factual basis for their arguments. I mean I don't have a problem trying to shoo christians away from my kids, but I've had to explain what a drag queen is to my 7yr old.
I'm sorry you feel that way ma'am, but calling someone by their preferred name isn't a terrible thing, is it Jessica? (Assuming you go by more than your initials)
Also is it really a terrible thing to have a conversation with your child? What are you going to do when they ask about the dreaded s*x??? I'm sure you'll just give them the talk and be done with it. Have you explained other things to them? Like dinosaurs? Or people of different races? I'm sure that went ok also. Point is, I have faith in you!

At the end of the day every city has it's downfalls, it's just what you decide is bad or not.
(Ps defund the police means we need to take money away from the police to use for social services which then allows them to focus on actual crimes and not just domestic disputes and mental health emergencies in which LEs aren't necessarily needed. Thus they can focus on robberies, murders, and red light runners....Bam! Full circle on the thread)


Mar 24, 2023
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Actually Liberals have shown they are quite good at manipulating data to get the outcome they desire. In terms of statistics, one has to understand that the data is only as good as the science behind it. Namely, we aren't talking about PRJ level science here, IF there's science behind it at all. However, people love their "FACTS" but many don't know any better, and only believe something to be a fact when someone else told them it was.
That's right! It's not a fact if it feels wrong. Like, just because the voodoo says one thing doesn't make it true if I don't choose to believe it!


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Special Hen Supporter
Jan 19, 2009
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Sweet. Glad we agree that only accountable people should own weapons and that there should be background checks and a national database to prevent the wrong people from having them. Accountability and all...

Searching the 2nd and just can't seem to find the clause about "accountable people,background checks and national database". You happen to come from Russia, China or maybe 1930's Germany? Or just a Commiefronia transplant?


Mar 24, 2023
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Nice commie references! Glad we've reached the assumptive name calling stage. Maybe we have different definitions of accountability.
Since we are doing this, can you point out where it mentions semi-automatics?
It's really awesome that you believe we are still in the late 1700s as a society and shouldn't adapt to modernity. Definitely explains a lot.


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Special Hen Supporter
Apr 5, 2007
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Tulsa area
What would be a better word than enjoys? Needs? Wants? Can't live without? And when it comes to owning any gun you want, I'm sure most people would be ok with that if it was in a database but that's not a conversation that most want to have. I personally don't see the need for anyone to have a fully automatic (aside from maybe hogging cuz those vids are fantastic) or a rocket launcher but I guess that's the "liberal" in me. Tbh no one needs an AR to defend their home because unless you live a specific type of lifestyle and are not properly trained you shouldn't need more than 10 rounds to stop an intruder. That said, I thoroughly enjoy Sig but it's definitely not the first thing I reach for when I hear a bump in night. And if we don't want to place blame on guns then where does it need to be placed? Mental health? Are you in support of tax money going to help with that or is that also a no? I would actually like you to explain it because I truly do wish to hear your perspective if you truly are wanting to give it.
Show me a liberal who tells someone how they should vote and live their life and I'll show you the same from the other side of the aisle. People are people after all.
Besides one summer, what else causes Seattle to be a liberal shyt hole? And why is it just that one city bring harped on? I'm far from saying Seattle is great but we also can't say we are either, statically that is.
In the end I feel like there's certain things that can be done to promote the general welfare that we refuse to do....even though it's in the conus.

What would be a better word than enjoys? Needs? Wants? Can't live without? And when it comes to owning any gun you want, I'm sure most people would be ok with that if it was in a database but that's not a conversation that most want to have. I personally don't see the need for anyone to have a fully automatic (aside from maybe hogging cuz those vids are fantastic) or a rocket launcher but I guess that's the "liberal" in me. Tbh no one needs an AR to defend their home because unless you live a specific type of lifestyle and are not properly trained you shouldn't need more than 10 rounds to stop an intruder. That said, I thoroughly enjoy Sig but it's definitely not the first thing I reach for when I hear a bump in night. And if we don't want to place blame on guns then where does it need to be placed? Mental health? Are you in support of tax money going to help with that or is that also a no? I would actually like you to explain it because I truly do wish to hear your perspective if you truly are wanting to give it.
Show me a liberal who tells someone how they should vote and live their life and I'll show you the same from the other side of the aisle. People are people after all.
Besides one summer, what else causes Seattle to be a liberal shyt hole? And why is it just that one city bring harped on? I'm far from saying Seattle is great but we also can't say we are either, statically that is.
In the end I feel like there's certain things that can be done to promote the general welfare that we refuse to do....even though it's in the conus.
How many times have you used tools including firearms to save your life?


Mar 24, 2023
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How many times have you used tools including firearms to save your life?
0 times? (Unless you count the time I killed a cottonmouth striking at me then 1 time) I mean, how many times have any of us? In a life or death situation I would use whatever was available to me as I assume most would so I'm unsure what you're asking


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Special Hen Supporter
Jun 13, 2005
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Again, a well trained owner can deal with more than one intruder with a handgun.

Sure they can, but the fact remains that a rifle performs better against multiple attackers than a pistol.

Sweet. Glad we agree that only accountable people should own weapons and that there should be background checks and a national database to prevent the wrong people from having them. Accountability and all...

Let's back up the strawman. I'm starting to see the national database as a liability for honest citizens in lieu of some sort of magical shield that will protect them from bad guys. I'm sure you disagree, but look at any liberal city. Chicago seems to be a fun one for gun crime. How would a national database curb that city's violence problems?

It does matter what you think because I asked and actually value opinions, differing or not. I'm glad you agree that we should have a universal healthcare or at least some sort of public option. (At least that's how I'm interpreting this 😉)

It's interesting that when someone resorts to constant fallacies, that they have no substantial argument.
I'm sorry you feel that way ma'am, but calling someone by their preferred name isn't a terrible thing, is it Jessica? (Assuming you go by more than your initials)

People have called me a LOT worse than Jessica. However, I find it odd only because I don't look like a Jessica/She. People have the option to be called whatever they like, but I don't have participate in their fantasy if I don't choose to do so. Push come to shove, we all have to accept the reality of basic biology though.

Also is it really a terrible thing to have a conversation with your child?

Yes. Would prefer to wait to discuss sexualized adults to my kids(gay or straight) for a bit. I don't have Strippers hosting a story hour trying to read to my kids.

What are you going to do when they ask about the dreaded s*x???

I just want to highlight that you obviously understand that drag queens are viewed as a sexual discussion by this statement. I'd honestly like to have the discussion with my kids before they see a perversion of it. This isn't a knock on gay people, this is a knock on sexual behavior around kids period.

Have you explained other things to them? Like dinosaurs? Or people of different races? I'm sure that went ok also.

I've never had to discuss race. Everything will run it's course if you raise your kids right. IMO. I know liberals want to put everyone in a category, but I find kids tend to inherently not see race, until someone teaches them different.

At the end of the day every city has it's downfalls, it's just what you decide is bad or not.

Correct. The mass exodus from some areas is very telling.

(Ps defund the police means we need to take money away from the police to use for social services which then allows them to focus on actual crimes and not just domestic disputes and mental health emergencies in which LEs aren't necessarily needed. Thus they can focus on robberies, murders, and red light runners....Bam! Full circle on the thread)

Well let's be honest, that's not how it started out lol. I get that many are now apologizing for failed liberal policies, but let's look at this statement since it's now being used as an excuse. Many large departments are understaffed in dealing with honest crime, yes or no? Let's take Seattle for instance.....

Some fun metrics in there for ya. Kinda funny that the council can't figure out what the problem is. SO I must ask, why is it some believe that defunding the police and moving resources to social services will alleviate the problem? It only puts more stress on the existing force. Not sure why this isn't obvious, but those who promote this mantra seem to have any critical thinking clouded by their need to display virtue. What they SHOULD be asking for is an addition of social services, not a deletion of an already depleted force. Again, though, we aren't really looking for real solutions to the problems. Liberals never do.

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