No, he is American born according to an earlier post.Oklahoma has the largest number of Afghan refugees from the recent surge.
any chance this guy is one of them?
Tell me you're in a cult without saying you're in a cult.
View attachment 233874
Folks don’t like Trump. And with the amount of aggressively angry Trump supporters it’s like continually flipping them off. Would you walk through the streets like John McClane in Die Hard 3?Has anyne ever watched old news reels of the Nazi Brown Shirts intemidation tactics that helped the Nazi's gain power in Germany? Does what is happening in politics here, and now, look at all familiar? I have been threatened three times in the Tulsa area for having a Trump bumper sticker on my car, had Trump Campaign signs taken from my yard, harrased for having a Trump Flag on my flag pole, I would not DARE drive that car to heavelly left wing areas, of MY OWN COUNTRY! If that is not intimidation what would you call it? Are WE even afraid to talk about this? iS that AMAZING OR WHAT?
Unfortunately, this guy will be back on the streets in no time doing the same thing. There are millions and millions of people being imported to this country who are a parasite on the system and will add no value to the system, only take from it. This includes, policing, medical, education, etc. This is going to cost society immensely. People have no idea of what’s coming.
Yep, sure sounds like a Mudslime Terrorist to me, too!Ammar El-Nasser..........Says it all.
Folks don’t like Trump. And with the amount of aggressively angry Trump supporters it’s like continually flipping them off. Would you walk through the streets like John McClane in Die Hard. ..................You my friend watch too many movies! Come out in the light of day, and see for yourself waht is actually going on, you will like it if you try and think for yourself!