US Special Forces Attacked CIA Server Farm In Germany In Server Seizure Operation, 5 Soldiers Killed

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Feb 24, 2006
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Tulsa County
Trump plays 4D chess and usually has reliable information in the background. Stuff is still being discovered and compiled that I would suspect a minimal amount being let out to the public. The fat lady has not sung yet.

I've seen this 4D chess idea before I couldn't believe it until I finally realized one of those dimensions uses only imaginary numbers for measurements.

I know, math jokes are too nerdy.


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Special Hen Supporter
Feb 12, 2009
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Under your bed
Dec 9, 2008
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Ponca City Ok
That’s kind of how it goes. Debunk or disprove a claim and they pivot to something else or some other state.

So much pivoting going on that it’s turning into a game of twister and they have confused themselves lol.

Russian collusion and claims of quid pro quo were fake news and impossible conspiracies but this fantasy of a dead-Chavez led cabal involving China, Russia, Iran, the CIA, Republican officials, election officials, thousands of poll workers in individual precincts, secret server farms, judges at multiple levels of the judiciary, the Department of Homeland Security, the Department of Justice, and Trump’s own Attorney General, and MILLIONS of illegal ballots is completely credible.

Got it.
I see no response to my thread about remote manipulation of voting machines from the left on here so one has to assume that possibility exists.
It appears I've debunked several of your claims of a fair and transparent election so your on defense now and pivoting?
I agree there is a lot of BS out there and it comes from both sides. If I see BS no matter what party, I'll point it out.
How do you know there aren't secret server farms?
Hillary clinton certainly had a secret server set up for back channel communications that even your boy hussain obummer was caught using. Thats a fact that can't be denied. The Federal Records Act requires that all communication in certain branches of government be recorded on government servers, and it forbids the use of a personal email account for government business, unless those emails are then copied and archived. Here is a clue.....they weren't.
So what makes you think your dimocrat party is above and beyond reproach in this election? There is sworn testimony under oath in a court of law saying semi loads of ballots were brought in from out of state. Computer logs required by the federal government on semi trucks using public highways confirmed the drivers story and his route. Nah, just another right wing conspirator right?
Dozens of people under oath repeating the same voting irregularities from different locations under oath and penalty of law for perjury, some putting their jobs on the line for doing so.
Got it!
Dec 9, 2008
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Ponca City Ok
The problem is that the various states have their OWN constitutions, and it is incumbent upon the legislatures to act in accordance with their constitutions.
NONE of the the Republican controlled legislatures in any of the swing states are showing the slightest inclination to overthrow the results of the election.
Perhaps that's because the governor hasn't called for a special session?

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