We need to contact our Sheriffs, as well...

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May 5, 2009
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Oklahoma City
Question - Could you get Sheriff Whetsel to speak at the next pro 2A rally?

I would crawl on broken glass to hear Sheriff Whetsel discuss the office of sheriff, the Second Amendment and the Constitution. I truly want to hear in Sheriff Whetsel's own words that he will defend the Constitution from ALL enemies, both foreign and domestic and like the few other sheriffs from around the nation, tell his constituents that he will take any and all steps necessary to prevent an occupied Federal government from stepping foot in Oklahoma County to take our firearms, or attempt any other unconstitutional act.

Along with my own words, I would gladly eat a worms, to hear Sheriff Whetsel openly and publicly state that everything I have ever said about him was untrue and back those words with action.

If Okiebryan can get Sheriff Whetsel to speak to these issues one way or the other, I'll buy him the biggest steak dinner in town.


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Jun 15, 2005
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OKC area
There are some on this forum who have toasted me for my belief that the County Sheriff is some "Gandolf-like fantasy", who would sit on the county line and tell an oppressive Federal government to pound sand. IMHO, the elected sheriff has the power and authority to protect his constituents under law that goes back to the Magna Carta. The scope and purpose of the office was well-defined by the Founding Fathers.

The bolded section highlights why I referred to your fascination with the mythical Sheriff as a Gandolph like phenom. Sheriff's aren't some mythical being drawing their power and authority from the spirit of the founding fathers or the Magna Carta.

There may be tradition or legacy associated with those, but in reality the only true power and authority that a sheriff actually has, in the State of Oklahoma, is that given to him by the laws of the State of Oklahoma. Those are pretty clearly spelled out. That is how it should be. I do not want ANY law enforcement officer, elected or not, to pick and choose what law he/she is going to enforce on any given day...not even if he is the physical manifestation of the Constitution itself.

I voted for Sorrels, but not because I had any illusions of him defying "his federal masters", but because he appeared to have a long and respectable tradition of service in law enforcement and I felt that it was time for a change.


May 5, 2009
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Oklahoma City
The bolded section highlights why I referred to your fascination with the mythical Sheriff as a Gandolph like phenom. Sheriff's aren't some mythical being drawing their power and authority from the spirit of the founding fathers or the Magna Carta.

There may be tradition or legacy associated with those, but in reality the only true power and authority that a sheriff actually has, in the State of Oklahoma, is that given to him by the laws of the State of Oklahoma. Those are pretty clearly spelled out. That is how it should be. I do not want ANY law enforcement officer, elected or not, to pick and choose what law he/she is going to enforce on any given day...not even if he is the physical manifestation of the Constitution itself.

I voted for Sorrels, but not because I had any illusions of him defying "his federal masters", but because he appeared to have a long and respectable tradition of service in law enforcement and I felt that it was time for a change.

SMS, I think we're probably on the same page on many things. I confess, I had no idea what a Gandolf was until your post. Maybe Oklahoma state law has diminished the office of sheriff to what is the popular notion of today. I'm delighted that you voted for Sorrels and hope you share the same disappointment I did to see elected County Republicans and County Commissioners throw their support and big money to ensure a Whetsel win. The GOP of Oklahoma and Oklahoma County offered almost zero support until 2 weeks before the election, when they claimed they sent a few thousand bucks to the campaign. After the dust settled, it became clear that the state and county GOP actually lied about the money they spent on the Sorrels campaign. The ol' boy network is alive and well in Oklahoma County. There is a half a billion dollars of our money the Commissioners will get to throw around with the construction of a new super-cage and being a part of the Sorrels campaign, it was easy to see that the establishment of both parties were in cahoots to ensure that the establishment Sheriff was selected, at any price.

I'm not the best at being super-diplomatic when I perceive the end of liberty is happening right now. I've got kids that will not know the freedoms I knew and fear for them having to live in a police state. Guys like Okiebryan have a knack for being nice, while I have had 55 years to become deeply frustrated by being the nice guy, while liberties are stripped. I never imagined a central government that would make us buy them 1.6 billion rounds of hollow point to build an internal police force, or having warrantless checkpoints at airports with TSA 'agents' that put their hands in children's pants under the guise of safety. I never imagined it would become normal and accepted for the NSA to openly read our emails, listen to our phone conversations, or arrest citizens on Federal charges for expressing their displeasure under the anti-tresspass law. I never thought there would be the day where the central government can indefinitly detain citizens for life without trial under the NDAA. Yes, you are right, I have become a "broken record" on these things I personally regard as tyranny and am too old to be reeducated under the Army FM 3-39-40.

I appreciate your support of Darrell Sorrels, for whatever reason you had and mean no offense when I spout off. For over 35 years, I've voted for the lesser of two evils and frankly, I'm just tired of making that choice. For the first time in my life, I didn't vote for a President. I left that spot blank, because the GOP has become in my view, just a marketing division of the same globalists that own both parties. Knowing that you voted for Sorrels makes me want an immediate cease-fire between us. Just try to understand when I go on one of my rants that I feel a little freer here, on a Second Amendment forum of my fellow Oklahomans. I'm just not as tactful as guys like Okiebryan and others who can still play nice in the dirty political sandbox.


May 5, 2009
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Oklahoma City
I love Sheriff Mack! :rtfm:

Yeah, me too. Once I heard of Sheriff Mack, listened to him on FM 102.3 (no call sign) and read his book, my whole idea of what the Sheriff really was turned my whole way of thinking of the Sheriff's Office upside down. Like suddenly seeing the hidden picture within a picture, it's impossible to un-see it ever again. I'm leaving Oklahoma County and returning to the country, where I belong and the county of choice will be strongly influenced by the presence of a Constitutional sheriff, a-la Sheriff Mack. Maybe in 2013, my idea of the sheriff being some mythical Gandolf-like creature I've been told I believe in is only fantasy, but I'm still not sure Santa doesn't exist either.


Dream Master
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Aug 16, 2012
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Shawnee, OK
And just think, Gun World supports Whetsel! Pretty pathetic that a gun shop supports this kind of sheriff. I don't know much about our sheriff here in Shawnee. I have never talked with him nor dealt with him. I have talked with some of the deputies and they were very nice guys. They were very glad that I was getting my handgun license. I would like to think that our sheriff would support us and not the feds if it ever came down to a disarmament or anything like that. But I agree that we should be contacting them. Anyone that can be an ally we need to contact.


May 5, 2009
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Oklahoma City
I can guarantee that Sheriff Whetsel would prefer disarmed slaves in Oklahoma County. Sheriff Whetsel will not answer any questions of this nature, Sheriff Whetsel will not speak to this issue, Sheriff Whetsel does not support the Second Amendment for the purpose it was intended, no one can find any quote of Sheriff Whetsel that strongly defends the Second Amendment, Sheriff Whetsel is a member and past President of the The International Association of Chiefs of Police, which is strictly anti-Second Amendment and supports Agenda-21, Sheriff Whetsel is not now, never was, nor never will be a member of the Constitutional Sheriffs and Peace Officers Association. Sheriff Whetsel takes many millions of dollars worth of battle and spy gear from his puppet masters of the Department of Homeland Security and has built a strong control grid in Oklahoma County to watch our every move. The establishment GOP being fully corrupt, was scared to death of Darrell Sorrels, because he openly swore to Oklahoma County voters that he would defend the Constitution first. The Oklahoma Republican elites supported the Democrat Whetsel, because they knew Sheriff Whetsel will continue to protect and defend the powers that be and the status quo. Citizens of Oklahoma County did as they were told by the Republican establishment and elected this Sheriff who has the interests the UN and Department of Homeland Security.

If the occupied Federal government gives the order to disarm the people of Oklahoma County, we can count on Sheriff Whetsel to throw the doors wide open to whatever powers come to disarm us and will assist in any takeover that may occur. The facts of Sheriff Whetsel speak for themselves throughout his anti-gun and globalist career and no one can dispute it. Calling his office is a waste of time, because they will not offer any 2A position. Sheriff Whetsel is a lost cause for liberty and the enemy of the Constitution. I dare anyone to show me anything that proves I'm wrong. Contacting the Oklahoma County Sheriff's office on this matter is a complete waste of time. He takes his orders from TPTB and his allegiance lies with them alone.

I truly want anyone who can dispute anything I said to correct me with historical facts and will respectfully read and listen to anything that anyone can post that will prove me wrong. I will stand corrected on facts and thank that person for presenting them.


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Jan 29, 2009
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Well I am not correcting anything, nor do I have informational supports or detracts from your statements. What I do know is that I came from a place that the Sheriff nor any L.E.O. would sign off on class 3 forms. Whetsel said sure, we do it all the time. When I needed a letter from my head L.E.O. where I lived to be able to take an AR-15 to Denmark for the Nordic rifle championships he said sure, come on down I am having it typed up as we speak. I am having a hard time seeing a vehemently anti gun person here. Kurt


Special Hen
Nov 5, 2009
Reaction score
Secret mission
And just think, Gun World supports Whetsel! Pretty pathetic that a gun shop supports this kind of sheriff. I don't know much about our sheriff here in Shawnee. I have never talked with him nor dealt with him. I have talked with some of the deputies and they were very nice guys. They were very glad that I was getting my handgun license. I would like to think that our sheriff would support us and not the feds if it ever came down to a disarmament or anything like that. But I agree that we should be contacting them. Anyone that can be an ally we need to contact.

Only because they get a hefty discount...which is normal everyday price at any other LGS.

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