We need to contact our Sheriffs, as well...

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May 5, 2009
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Oklahoma City
We sure do, but Constitutionalist sheriffs are as rare as hen's teeth in Oklahoma, very few people care about the Constitution and prefer the police state. In another thread on this forum, I asked, "Which Oklahoma Sheriffs will NOT help the Federal government in gun confiscation?", SMS drilled it down my throat that "This Constitutional Sheriff thing is a fantasy. They are elected officials, politicians, and human...not mythical creatures with Gandalf-ish powers." I believe SMS represents the majority of Oklahomans who desire to be controlled by the iron fist of the Federal government, in order to keep us safe. As SMS tells us, any belief that the powers of the Sheriff as highest elected law enforcement officer in the land is "fantasy", like believing in elves and fairies. The real law enforcers are hired by the corporations that are our cities, states and Federal government. SMS made sure I was quite clear in my understanding that the superior firepower of the police state would crush any attempt the puny Sheriff.

Oklahoma County had the chance to elect Constitutionalist Darrell Sorrels for Sheriff, but the establishment Republican party supported Janet Napolitano's best friend and globalist puppet Democrat Sheriff Whetsel, with hundreds of thousands of dollars and Oklahoma County Republican voters did as they were told, electing a Democrat in the reddest state in the nation. It does seem odd that the office that has as little power as SMS instructs us does, the powers that be will spend so much money making sure someone who will do as they are told is elected. That's just weird that such an unimportant job is so costly to buy.

Sheriff Whetsel soaks up Federal money like a sponge, buying armed spy-drones, cameras, high-speed license plate scanners, bio-metric identification devices, tanks, military battle gear, automatic weapons, checkpoint booths and all the other implements of war A Federalized police force needs to dominate and subdue it's citizenry. Janet Napolitano can count on Sheriff Whetsel, when the time comes to drop the hammer.

Once the important people on this forum see your post, you will soon get a lesson on how it is "fantasy" to believe in "Gandolf-like mythical creatures" and a lesson on the desirability of having only hired guns control and subdue us.

Sheriff Mack: Constitutional Sheriffs Refusing to Infringe on Gun Rights IS the Solution


Special Hen
Aug 14, 2012
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Oh, come on. Just because someone doesn't see an issue the same way you do doesn't make them someone who "represents the majority of Oklahomans who desire to be controlled by the iron fist of the Federal government, in order to keep us safe." Hyperbole much? Not helpful, IMO, and certainly no way to win someone over to your side.

You may be right as rain, but if you lack the skills to bring others to your side without a "boot to the head", you will be alone and right. This is a big problem in the gun culture today. We've been too busy fighting each other about who is going to load the cannons, and who is going to fire them, that we forget thet the enemy is drawing alongsides with their cannons cocked and locked.

Nobody here OWNS the truth. If you think that you do, then your mind is closed to any other idea.


Special Hen
Aug 14, 2012
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In the woods...between OKC & Tulsa
The duties of a sheriff...

The office of Sheriff is the only law enforcement office directly accountable to the people, the ultimate authority in a democracy. His is an elected position this makes him unique among other law enforcement. With the position of Sheriff comes a tremendous amount of responsibility that many citizens of Oklahoma do not realize. In many cases he will have to operate his office and the jail on a budget that is not fully funded by the taxes of the county. He will have to supplement his budget by civil service processes, seeking grants for equipment and vehicles. He will have to protect hundreds of square miles with a minimal amount of deputies and patrol vehicles. The Sheriff will have to deal with overcrowded and some cases antiquated jails. The Sheriff must be a professional law enforcement officer with a deep desire to serve those citizens in his county. - http://www.oklahomasheriffs.com/Duties.htm

I love Sheriff Mack! :rtfm:


Special Hen
Aug 14, 2012
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In the woods...between OKC & Tulsa


May 5, 2009
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Oklahoma City
I don 't believe there is a single Oklahoma Sheriff in the State of Oklahoma who is a member of the Constitutional Sheriffs and Peace Officers Association. At least there wasn't before the November elections. Things may have changed, but I doubt it. The Constitution just isn't a big seller in Oklahoma.

Oklahoma County boasts a Sheriff that is pure globalist-owned and the eager little puppet of the Department of Homeland Security, because that is what Oklahoma County voters wanted. Even the GOP supported Whetsel over Darrell Sorrels because as the Daily Oklahoman said, Sorrels was a "far-right wing Constitutionalist". Oklahoma County will now have the opportunity to pay a half-billion dollars or more for a state of the art new jail to cage as many Oklahomans as possible. Good money in cages. Our Sheriff has some of the latest spy equipment available, including drones and cameras all over the county, to keep us safe. Sheriff Whetsel's close partnership with the Federal government has gotten tanks, high-tech mobile command centers, high-speed license plate scanners, bio-metric scanners, lots of automatic weaponry, riot gear, checkpoint booths and equipment and you name it. When the hammer falls, the Oklahoma County Sheriff is fully prepared and willing to go to war with residents of Oklahoma County, on behalf of Janet Napolitano. No one here can dispute that Oklahoma County Sheriff Whetsel is a globalist tool that would participate in disarmament of Oklahoma County residents in a heartbeat. Sheriff Whetsel would NEVER be Sheriff Mack, or a member of the Constitutional Sheriffs and Peace Officers Association. I've asked him myself.

Oklahoma County reelected a Federalized sheriff, because that's what we wanted. Perceived safety is far more important to Oklahoma County, than liberty or the Constitution.


May 5, 2009
Reaction score
Oklahoma City
Oh, come on. Just because someone doesn't see an issue the same way you do doesn't make them someone who "represents the majority of Oklahomans who desire to be controlled by the iron fist of the Federal government, in order to keep us safe." Hyperbole much? Not helpful, IMO, and certainly no way to win someone over to your side.

You may be right as rain, but if you lack the skills to bring others to your side without a "boot to the head", you will be alone and right. This is a big problem in the gun culture today. We've been too busy fighting each other about who is going to load the cannons, and who is going to fire them, that we forget thet the enemy is drawing alongsides with their cannons cocked and locked.

Nobody here OWNS the truth. If you think that you do, then your mind is closed to any other idea.

I understand that you have got to support and defend Sheriff Whetsel, because he is likely your best customer. Sheriff Whetsel puts food on your table with impound calls of Oklahoma County residents vehicles, right? I don't blame you for defending who might be your most profitable customer, but the business relationship should be in the disclosure. I get that it's unwise to bite the hand that feeds you.

I don't have any financial interest in Sheriff Whetsel, other than I pay taxes that his office soaks up. I have spoken with Sheriff Whetsel, exchanged emails and read lots of information on him. IMHO, Sheriff Whetsel is a Federalized, militarized police organization with very close ties to the Department of Homeland Security. He is past President of the International Chiefs of Police and has a decades long history of being anti-Second Amendment. Anyone with the internet can see the truth of Sheriff Whetsel.

Okiebryan, I think you are a great spokesman who has done a lot for the cause. I sat there and loudly cheered you yesterday, because you deserve it. I respect and honor you for all the good things you have done and I roundly agree that you are a 2%er, when it comes to defending the 2A. You're an all-around stand-up guy. I don't fault you in the least for having a close financial dependency with Sheriff Whetsel's office. Business is business. I know you can't come out and say that he is a globalist tool who would disarm Oklahomans at the drop of a hat, like I can. Considering your relationship with Whetsel, it might be best to avoid discussions that involve your best customer, altogether.


May 5, 2009
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Oklahoma City
I didn't defend Whetsel. Please go back and read what I actually said.

Okiebryan, you have my sincere respect. Very few have stood up for the 2A as you have done and continue to do. Yesterday, you made it clear and expressed very effectively the REAL reason we have the Second Amendment and the Bill of Rights. Again, let me stress that I respect and honor your work.

We may have supported a different candidates for Oklahoma County sheriff for one reason or another. I wanted a Sheriff that was in the spirit of Sheriff Mack or Sheriff DeMeo, with strong and openly-Constitutional principles. There are some on this forum who have toasted me for my belief that the County Sheriff is some "Gandolf-like fantasy", who would sit on the county line and tell an oppressive Federal government to pound sand. IMHO, the elected sheriff has the power and authority to protect his constituents under law that goes back to the Magna Carta. The scope and purpose of the office was well-defined by the Founding Fathers. Today, the common notion is the modern sheriff is no different than any other law-enforcement officer hired by the corporate city or state, often to generate revenue for the corporations that pays them. Even the SCOTUS has ruled that police do not have the Constitutional obligation to protect us. Guns and armed citizens are everything political. It's impossible to separate politics from guns. It is my deepest desire to know where Sheriff Whetsel really stands on the Second Amendment, in detail. His history, affiliations and statements appear dubious and he has done or said NOTHING to indicate otherwise, as other county sheriffs have.

Like it or not, you are a popular figure now and I'm glad you are willing to step up to the plate. You are an outstanding advocate for the 2A, which is why I do not intend to disparage you in any way. Okiebryan, you have a rapidly growing audience who respect you and listen to what you have to say. Respectfully, I would encourage you to define your understanding and position of the office of sheriff. If I am in error of Sheriff Whetsel's stance on armed lawful citizens, I am all ears.


Special Hen
Jan 11, 2009
Reaction score
Oklahoma City
okiebryan - I also loudly cheered you yesterday and thank you for all of the hard work that you do to support our cause.

Question - Could you get Sheriff Whetsel to speak at the next pro 2A rally?

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