Well Holy stinkin’ Cow. Received a call at 3:30am yesterday morning from one of our daughters that she’d hit a dog gone hog and broke down in a small Texas town called Ballinger. The real kink to this whole situation is she was driving her half brother (no relation to me) to pick up his daughter in New Braunfels, TX which is a hair NE of San Antonio. He’s in a custody battle right now and it was imperative that they not miss the pickup which was scheduled for 1:30 this afternoon.
So Linda and I get ready quickly and hall butt to Texas. It’s a 4 hour drive to where she was followed by another 4 hour drive to the courthouse to meet the mother. Another half an hour to get the car part that wasn’t available in said tiny town and back at it reversing the whole process. We got home to Medicine Park at 9:30pm making for a long day.