^^^ True....... But have you noticed a lot of bourbons and whiskey have dropped the age statement.... heck even a few have lowered their proof & ABV in secret. Look what Makers Mark did a few years back.....and fans of MM raised Holy Hell.
If I'm getting an 10 year old bottle of American whiskey or bourbon ....I want it to be that. Bottled In Bond assures what's in the bottle....maybe the best government control or involvement ....who knows??
I know what you mean about the lack of age labeling. It is a bit frustrating sometimes.
As for the Larceny, I do like it a lot. I'm not a boubon "guy" per se, I like my single malts, but GD, the price is just insane if you drink very much of it. lol I've become a big fan of Elijah Craig, I like that alot in my whiskey sours, and like it a lot neat or with just a splash of water, as well. I find the Larceny to be slightly better, a bit more robust, perhaps. Again, with a tiny splash, it really smooths it out quite a bit. I don't know as much about talking about the nose and the more subtle flavors and all that blah... I just know it tastes good. lol And it is a bit more "full" or rounded I think than the Elijah, or the Four Roses (either Small Batch or Single Barrel). I've developed a lot more of a taste for bourbon over the last year as I've tried to trim down my Scotch budget a bit - I know I drink too much, and should probably cut back on quantity as much or more than anything, but this is my compromise for now. I buy 2-3 bottles of single malt a month, and the rest I've been making up with bourbon.
I have a full half-gallon of freshly squeezed sweet & sour mix in my fridge right now, several new bottles of bourbon to try out and some very good ryes (the Knob Creek above is good, and some Sazerac which is my favorite) to make a proper whiskey sour from, so tonight I am definitely going to be relaxing. I've got some handmade Honduran cigars my friend brought back from a mission trip for me, I just might break out a rare cigar tonite. Don't ask how long those have just been sitting in a plastic bag next to my recliner.... it's a tragedy.