Assault weapons...the kind used by militaries and terrorists ARE already classified as class 3 destructive devices and not available to the general public.
What the anti 2A folks want is to ban know because we can shoot many rounds a minute through those. The MAJORITY of weapons sold in the USA are semi autos...including deer rifles, shotguns, etc. The ar15 they are talking about is nothing but a semi auto rifle dressed up to LOOK like an assault rifle. In fact, it fires a lower powered round (the 223 round) than a deer rifle.
If you take this argument further, actually they want to ban ALL repeating firearms, since all repeating firearms, including revolvers, can be made to shoot several times a minute, by pulling the trigger each time, and reloading the mag or cylinder very quickly (under 2 seconds with a couple day's practice).
So the debate we should be having is really about REPEATING firearms versus single shot firearms. Do Americans really want ALL repeating firearms banned?
Let's cut the BS about 30 round mags versus 25 round mags versus 10 round mags, and cosmetic appearances of rifles, and discuss this issue of repeating firearms, which HAVE been around since the 1860's, versus single shot firearms.
This is what the debate should be once and for all, as a nation, we can decide. If we all join the NRA, this is a debate that should be a win!
So when we write to our reps, we may want to encourage them to frame this debate in this way, when discussing this in committees, on TV shows, etc.
What the anti 2A folks want is to ban know because we can shoot many rounds a minute through those. The MAJORITY of weapons sold in the USA are semi autos...including deer rifles, shotguns, etc. The ar15 they are talking about is nothing but a semi auto rifle dressed up to LOOK like an assault rifle. In fact, it fires a lower powered round (the 223 round) than a deer rifle.
If you take this argument further, actually they want to ban ALL repeating firearms, since all repeating firearms, including revolvers, can be made to shoot several times a minute, by pulling the trigger each time, and reloading the mag or cylinder very quickly (under 2 seconds with a couple day's practice).
So the debate we should be having is really about REPEATING firearms versus single shot firearms. Do Americans really want ALL repeating firearms banned?
Let's cut the BS about 30 round mags versus 25 round mags versus 10 round mags, and cosmetic appearances of rifles, and discuss this issue of repeating firearms, which HAVE been around since the 1860's, versus single shot firearms.
This is what the debate should be once and for all, as a nation, we can decide. If we all join the NRA, this is a debate that should be a win!
So when we write to our reps, we may want to encourage them to frame this debate in this way, when discussing this in committees, on TV shows, etc.