Which Oklahoma Sheriffs will NOT help the Federal government in gun confiscation?

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Glock Nut

Special Hen
Jan 3, 2009
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I know 4 sheriffs and many other law enforcement officers in this great state and none of them will ever actively take part in any type of confiscation.


May 5, 2009
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Oklahoma City
"Why is it so important to live in a county with a so-called "Constitutional Sheriff"?

"Why is it so important to live in a county with a so-called "Constitutional Sheriff"? The same reason I want to live in a nation with as many "so-called Constitutional" elected officials as possible in every level of government, from President to dog-catcher. For me, all offices should be occupied by strict Constitutionalists. Freedom and Liberty come to mind.

The original intent of my post was to identify Oklahoma counties that have elected non-Federalized, Constitutional county sheriffs, such as Sheriff Mack. I never imagined I would instead be quizzed about why I want to live in such a place.

I have as much difficulty understanding the statist's desire to live in a police state, controlled from the top-down by a distant central government. Perhaps I could gain a better understanding of your position if you could express reasons it is NOT important to live in a county with a "so-called Constitutional Sheriff". What are the benefits of having a county sheriff that is NOT Constitutional?
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Dream Master
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Special Hen Supporter
Aug 16, 2012
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Shawnee, OK
I don't see any sheriff nor any other LEO telling the federal government to kiss their rears that they aren't confiscating anything. They will probably roll over and take it up the rear. Just like most Americans will do if the AWB and high cap mag ban is passed. That is the thing that bothers me most is that there aren't enough people out of the 50 million plus gun owners in this country to stand up to the power hungry government. That is why things get passed in this country like the AWB. Because no one does a thing to keep it from passing. It is time that we show the government that this country is , "By the people, and for the people". Not by the government, for the government. And that is why this country has eroded so much over the past several years is because the government doesn't care about anyone. They want to control us. I truly believe that is why Obama favors having so many people on government assistance. Even though this came from a movie it is the truth. On Fast Five the main bad guy says to some Spanish guys that if you try and keep people controlled by fear they will eventually rise up because they have nothing to lose. But if you give them things like running water and schools for their children. The people know that they have all that to lose so they just do what they are told. To me this is what Obama is trying to do. Except he is giving food stamps, welfare, free healthcare. And now Obama wants to take our 2A right completely away. Once that is done the government completely owns us. That is why people have to realize just how serious this is. You might not agree with me on this post and that is fine but it is the way I feel. It just makes sense.

Roadking Larry

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Dec 17, 2007
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Secret bunker in an undisclosed location.
Lots of mental self gratification going on about what you'll do when "they come for our guns".
A door to door confiscation is the stupidest thing they could try.
Far easier to just ban the possession of any given guns, declare an amnesty period for the banned guns to be turned in and impose harsh penalties for anyone caught after the amnesty, $10k, 10 years is pretty standard.
Then when they start catching folks with banned guns offer them a plea deal or immunity to turn in any and all they know to also have a banned item. Offer a substantial confidential reward for turning in your neighbor.
You'd likely be surprised at how well that would work.

A door to door might work in a metro area but event there the resources don't exist for it to be practical.
Trying that in a big rural area would be a circus show.

The majority of gun owners will comply and little fuss will be raised. Any instances of resistance would just be reported as isolated incidents perpetrated by racist, right wing extremists.


Special Hen
Jul 25, 2007
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Here is a letter to send to your Sheriff's...

Dear Sheriff ________________, As the Chief Law Enforcement Officer in _______________County you were required to take an oath to preserve, protect and defend the Constitution against all enemies both foreign and domestic. Having taken that oath I would like to know if you will honor your oath by refusing to enforce Federal rules, regulations and directives that violate the Constitution and/or the Bill of Rights. The Second Amendment clearly proclaims that the people have a right to own guns and in the Bill of Rights, the government is prohibited from infringing on the right of the people to own guns if they choose to do so. Your primary job is to preserve, protect and defend the Constitution and the rights of the people that live in ______________ our County. The Supreme Court has ruled that the Federal government has no lawful jurisdiction in the counties and that when a Sheriff chooses to enforce an unconstitutional directive, he is violating his Constitutional Oath. The people of _______________ County are the employer and you are the employee and we expect you to represent us and not the Federal government. As your employer, I would like to know if you are given an order that violates the Constitution, will you honor your oath or will you do as directed by the President of the United States. Sincerely,_________________

CSPOA http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CENg_bS77f0
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