You celebrate Easter, Christmas? Look at the history of these holidays and see how they evolved. Just as Halloween evolved so did Easter and Christmas. Theres nothing evil about Halloween anymore than theres anything "Christian" about how Easter or Christmas is celebrated.
I know many holidays have elements that are dark or have become twisted but this one's orgin is here.
Yes I celebrate these holidays. But as I said in my original post, to me Halloween has evil beginnings with Christians trying to tame it down so they can participate. Easter and Christmas have holy beginnings and have drifted from that over time. I do celebrate easter but it's about the rising of Jesus from the grave. I do celebrate Christmas but it's about the birth of Jesus not Santa. We give gifts on Dec 25th but from birth my kids were not lied to about Santa. He's a mythical thing we pretend for fun but the gifts are really not from him. We give gifts to each other as symbols of how God gave us Jesus as a gift.
We have what we call HallowHim at our church. Kids dress in nonscary outfits and come to life center for carnival. Nothing satanic about it. Will have hundreds of kids attend.
No problem with this. Our church does something similar. We don't participate because we choose to make it a non-event and not recognize the day at all. For the reason copied below from the op. I go to work. My kids go to practice then home for dinner and tv. But I have no problem with folks that put a turn on it.
It would be like a Jewish family passing around gifts on Dec 25th but saying it's not for Christmas. Sure dressing up is fun. Costume parties for birthdays and the like would be great. But not scheduled intentionally to coincide with this holiday. I'm a guy who feels it is great for Christians to fast. However, I don't look at my calendar to find when Ramadan begins so that I can coordinate my fasting with this muslim holiday and then say it's not for that reason.