I'm halfway with you. I have worked in manufacturing, overseeing the production of DOD parts, oil field, and air craft. I was usually the only woman in the entire place. There were "sexist" comments made frequently, in which I fired right back at. They stopped ... well saying it to my face anyways. When you go into male dominated areas, expect the boys club mentality.
However, how a woman chooses to dress is her prerogative, she should be free to dress however she sees fit without backlash.
And come on, you know the "entitlement" attitude isn't gender blind. No one is entitled to not be offended. They were just words, if they had gotten handsy, it would be a different story.
I'd have fought fire with fire, "You might want to shower with warmer water darlin, you're ruining the Jet's image."
Maybe it was my upbringing, but I prefer the company of even the most blue-collar white trash fellas to a bunch of women. I was never NOT treated like an equal. I kinda prefer the "boys club mentality" as guys are a lot more honest in the end than 99.9% of the women out there.
You can be part of the team and enjoy yourself and get your work done or you can be tolerated and talked about behind your back. We spend a lot more time at work than anyother place in our adult lives. I much prefer being part of the team.
The entitlement mentality might not be gender blind but I have met a LOT more women with that "affliction" than I have men.