Would you help this cop? Or would you have to wait a few minutes?

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user 51785

Nov 11, 2022
Reaction score
You’re pretty new here, so I’ll take it easy on ya while you’re sitting up on that throne casting dubious glares my way. You have no idea what I’d do in this scenario. You have no idea what I do, what I’ve done or who I’ve helped. I take it that you might be LE?

Do I have proof that this gentleman LE officer DO anything? No, I have no idea who he is. But my summation is that if he was LE at any time in the previous two decades, then he’s been involved freedom usurpation. Fair? Maybe. Accurate? Probably. Absolutely correct? Neither you nor I will probably ever know.

Cast thine aspersions on someone else. You have a great evening as well and enjoy family time.

uh, i don't need anybody to "take it easy" on me so if you got something to say, say it, im a big boy i'm sure i can handle anything you've got to say.

no i am not a cop but i have a family member who is and a some friends too.

i'll leave it at that except to say after watching a little more of it i agree with sherick13 it is fake and not worth any more of my time talking about it.

good day to you sir
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Special Hen
Feb 11, 2013
Reaction score
I watched to the end
Knew it was fake

Doesn't change the fact, IF you walked by and seen him hanging; WOULD YOU HELP, WALK ON, LAUGH, MAKE A VID TO POST?

As stated, I would cut him down, not dealing with poop.
Apr 22, 2019
Reaction score
Cops don't have a chance- they deal with a lot jerks all day and it makes a lot of them a jerk back a lot of time. I hate it if I have an encounter and they are all cocky. I can't remember a time when I was pulled over for a traffic situation, that I didn't deserve it. I found that if you are respectful no matter what, many times I got a warning. I went through a time when it seemed like I got pulled over a lot for just a little fast- like 4 times in 2 years and one for a yellow light. Got a warning every time and a couple were the younger cocky type. As for the poor soul in this video, hell yes, I would help them because I know they would help me. I don't like some polices we all have to deal with, and I bet some of these folks don't either, but they usually come from some bureaucrat/politician/judge that try to hem us up until we can't find the way to fix it.
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Jan 14, 2013
Reaction score
Oklahoma City
So this was Australia? I was thinking in terms of it happening here. Am I thrilled with our police? Not entirely but I have found in Oklahoma most to be good and professional. Only have had one that I had any issues with in a traffic stop because of a blown brake light. I am certain if I was in Australia, New Zealand or Canada I would have an entirely different view of him and the situation.


Special Hen
Jul 13, 2016
Reaction score
Outside of Slaughterville, OK
I have no comment on this. Have at it yourself. The guy posting this on his channel is either an active cop or a retired cop around Denton TX. I think by the accent this video is from either New Zealand or Australia.

I would either get his radio for him to call for help, or call for help myself.
Have too many physical problems to attemp to get him down without killing of injuring him or myself.

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