The youtube narrator is a douche bag.
You’re pretty new here, so I’ll take it easy on ya while you’re sitting up on that throne casting dubious glares my way. You have no idea what I’d do in this scenario. You have no idea what I do, what I’ve done or who I’ve helped. I take it that you might be LE?
Do I have proof that this gentleman LE officer DO anything? No, I have no idea who he is. But my summation is that if he was LE at any time in the previous two decades, then he’s been involved freedom usurpation. Fair? Maybe. Accurate? Probably. Absolutely correct? Neither you nor I will probably ever know.
Cast thine aspersions on someone else. You have a great evening as well and enjoy family time.
I have no comment on this. Have at it yourself. The guy posting this on his channel is either an active cop or a retired cop around Denton TX. I think by the accent this video is from either New Zealand or Australia.