You know that term limit pledge I made? Well...

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May 15, 2010
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Typical. I never liked him to begin with once his company tried to screw my employer out of thousands of dollars for a small gas plumbing job. This was in 2010, before he ran for office.


Supporting Member
Special Hen Supporter
Aug 10, 2015
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Coalgate, Ok.
Mullins is a dick. He hates me. Called him out about some of his BS at one of his town hall meetings. This guy can't stand anyone disagreeing with him. He can lose a screw pretty fast.
He mostly wants to talk about working out every day with speaker Ryan and his trips to Israel. I asked exactly how his trip (with his family) to Israel helps his district? He didn't like that much.
I also asked him about his stand on supporting cuts to Social Security that would destroy people that worked their entire life and paid into SS.
He tried to push me off but I wouldn't let him. Finally I just mentioned how funny it is that when he first ran for office he promised two things. One, protect SS and help seniors that depend on it. Two: he would only serve one term.
The second thing was something apparently God had called him to do but changed his mind.
Yep he hates me. He ended the town hall meeting pretty quick after that.
Well he's full of crap and an arrogant prick.
He's his biggest fan plus, he's not produced a single piece of legislation that benefited anyone other than his own ego.

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