Immigration Reform Looming

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Special Hen
Dec 22, 2012
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It's not possible or even feasible to send them all back, but it wouldn't be hard to put a significant dent in the population of illegals, and it could and should be made to be so miserable for the rest that many would want to return home. Severely punish anyone knowingly hiring illegals, for starters. Dry up the work and all benefits (including eliminating the "anchor baby" provision), and they'll start heading back to where they came from on their own. But none of that will happen, as we're too weak, too PC, and whores to money; big businesses won't tolerate an end to their cheap labor, and politicians won't tolerate the evaporation of potential taxpayers and voters.

That's always been my suggestion. Make life here miserable and those who just came here to work (which according to many is like 99.9% of them) will deport themselves. We could even expedite it by putting the offices for our new and improved guest worker program in Mexico (so they have to go home to sign up), and even give an amnesty period where they could turn themselves in and get a free ride to the border at no cost and with nothing going on their record. Of course that would only be a second step after securing the border and before offering an improved path to citizenship for productive non-citizens.


Eye Bleach Salesman
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Sep 7, 2009
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Special Hen
Feb 14, 2007
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Chamber Challenges Constitutionality of Oklahoma Immigration Law

WASHINGTON, D.C.-The U.S. Chamber of Commerce today filed a lawsuit to enjoin Oklahoma's immigration law from interfering with federal law that comprehensively regulates the employment of unauthorized workers. Joining this lawsuit as co-plaintiffs are The State Chamber of Oklahoma, Greater Oklahoma City Chamber, Tulsa Metro Chamber, Oklahoma Restaurant Association and Oklahoma Hotel and Lodging Association.
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Mar 20, 2013
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New Castle
1. The illegal immigrants who came here for a better life are overwhelmingly middle-class (they use money to improve their situation/selves). I would theorize that they would end up supporting a party which is often seen as religious, supportive of business, and supportive of family. Don't forget the things that the Republican party has in common with Latino and specifically Mexican culture.

2. We need to recognize and consider 2 things: We want to attract people who will appreciate the value of American citizenship. We also want to discourage the immigration of people who remove value from the society.

"Keep, ancient lands, your storied pomp!" cries she
With silent lips. "Give me your tired, your poor,
Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,
The wretched refuse of your teeming shore.
Send these, the homeless, tempest-tost to me,
I lift my lamp beside the golden door!"

3. It's no more possible to get rid of them than it's possible to confiscate all of our guns. The only way to get rid of all of the illegal immigrants is to crash our economy so that their home country seems like a better choice.

IF this is about legal immigrants then I can agree with you. IF its illegal invaders look no further than CA on how much they cost us and when you factor in their anchor babies is an atrocious amount we should not be burdened with.

Now the statue of liberty should say "Abandon all faith ye who enter here" if things keep going the way they are.

3, This is the "we cant deport 11 million people" and it makes me sick. it says we cant control our own country.

We might not get all 11 million, but if we made it so miserable for illegals to be here many would leave and when we are down to like 3-4 million maybe we could talk about letting some stay.


Mar 20, 2013
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New Castle
That's always been my suggestion. Make life here miserable and those who just came here to work (which according to many is like 99.9% of them) will deport themselves. We could even expedite it by putting the offices for our new and improved guest worker program in Mexico (so they have to go home to sign up), and even give an amnesty period where they could turn themselves in and get a free ride to the border at no cost and with nothing going on their record. Of course that would only be a second step after securing the border and before offering an improved path to citizenship for productive non-citizens.

I like this guest worker program

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