Riots and Looting...the best way to get "Justice"

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Aug 14, 2012
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Ive got cnn on and checkin a couple live websites.

Right now the tactic is just wait out the protesters in hopes they get tired n go home. They also have them kinda confined to a few blocks although most media doesnt recognize the tactic.

Looks like most have settled down, at least where the natl media is. A couple blocks over, theres a rowdy bunch cruisin for a bruisin.


Special Hen
Sep 5, 2009
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Just curious if they teach pointing/aiming firearms and looking thru scopes as part of crowd control?

Only in cases where members of the "crowd" are tossing bricks and flaming bottles of gas. Either of which can reasonably be responded to with deadly force if needed.
Seriously, this whole thing has been horribly mismanaged. But in reality, there have been numerous cases where the local LEO's could have responded with deadly force and showed the proper restraint and did not. They know better than any of us, it's only a small number of people causing the issues.


Special Hen
Feb 14, 2007
Reaction score
Ive got cnn on and checkin a couple live websites.

Right now the tactic is just wait out the protesters in hopes they get tired n go home. They also have them kinda confined to a few blocks although most media doesnt recognize the tactic.

Looks like most have settled down, at least where the natl media is. A couple blocks over, theres a rowdy bunch cruisin for a bruisin.

Pretty much what I'm seeing.


Aug 14, 2012
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Only in cases where members of the "crowd" are tossing bricks and flaming bottles of gas. Either of which can reasonably be responded to with deadly force if needed.
Seriously, this whole thing has been horribly mismanaged. But in reality, there have been numerous cases where the local LEO's could have responded with deadly force and showed the proper restraint and did not. They know better than any of us, it's only a small number of people causing the issues.

Yep I agree. I keep asking myself what are these LEOs thinking having so many AR15s. Would they really open fire on citizens so randomly. I mean no way can anyone justify that kinda force against unarmed citizens. We dont open fire on protesting crowds.


Special Hen
Sep 5, 2009
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I wonder if they see them as a deterrent. Like the Bearcats thier driving. A show of force so to speak.
Hats an bats up front with the dogs, specialized units with the tgas launchers etc in the rear is how I was taught.


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Special Hen Supporter
Jan 12, 2007
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In fairness some would contend Tulsa law enforcement has a spotty record at times also.

Absolutely. Also, it was post 293, not 23. I've researched the changing demographics of Ferguson over the past few decades. It all goes back to the razing of the STL housing slum where the welfare crowd was housed. They lost their affordable subsidized housing back in the early 70's and they migrated outward. Many neighborhoods had zoning and code restrictions in place that kept them from suffering the same fate. Ferguson didn't. Rather than adapting and adopting the middle class community standards Ferguson had in place, they brought about the same degeneration to poor and crime ridden they wrought in the Pruitt-Igoe housing project they hailed from. Seeing the writing on the wall, the smart ones left.

This is why the Zonation video is so spot on. Rather than assimilating into the culture they move to, immigrants today feel emboldened and entitled to drag the very negative aspects of their culture they fled, into the better environment that attracted them to the new place. Then they want to protest and riot when the new community doesn't like what they're doing. Seriously? W.T.F.?

That's why all this outrage over a 6'4", 290# thug strong-arm robber getting shot by a "racist" white cop doesn't exactly fill me with rage. They can rally around that criminal as their battle cry if they want, but calling people racist because they don't agree isn't going to work. Not anymore. The internet brings instant access to reports, statistics and trend analysis for the common man. Back in the 70's, the public outside Ferguson would have no knowledge of what's happened to the community to get them where they are now. Today it's a different story.

So when the 66% black population in Ferguson gets their knickers in a twist over the genetic makeup of their community leadership, I say they need to look in the mirror and point those fingers back at themselves. What have they done to prevent this tragedy? In most cases, the answer is absolutely nothing. Don't come with just a complaint, come with a solution and be prepared to roll up your sleeves. They don't do that.

Like the man says: "You can't be dependent on someone, without allowing them to control you." So what do they really want? Freedom to do whatever the hell they please (including strongarm robbery, rioting and looting)? Or a safe community with standards that sometimes seem harsh? If they want to eliminate the appearance of racial bias in their community, then what they have to do is register to vote; elect strong black leaders who refuse to allow racial bias to control of the community; denounce and prosecute criminal behavior within their ranks; build on education and prosperity within the community and eliminate the very barriers they themselves erected as immigrants to Ferguson.

Will they so that? Sadly, no. SO that's why I have less sympathy for their plight. It doesn't mean I condone what Ferguson PD has done in the wake of the shooting, but it would've been nearly impossible for them to get where they are now without fueling the very fire they're protesting. :(


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Special Hen Supporter
Jan 12, 2007
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Yep I agree. I keep asking myself what are these LEOs thinking having so many AR15s. Would they really open fire on citizens so randomly. I mean no way can anyone justify that kinda force against unarmed citizens. We dont open fire on protesting crowds.

That is a terrible anti-gun message you're projecting. If a violent criminal opens fire from within the crowd, would you rather have them shooting less accurate firearms or more accurate ones to stop the threat?

Until they begin indiscriminately executing protesters, how about we hold down the vitriol? :(
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