The Mid-Term Election thread

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Special Hen
Jan 14, 2011
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For those curious how the libertarians have done over the years. There haven't been huge gains, but there is progress. RickN, this is what you have to look forward to if the Tea Party actually makes an effort to push their party into the national scene....


In 2010, there were 19 states with Libertarian candidates on the ballot for governor. One candidate got at least 3 percent. The average Libertarian percentage was 1.7 percent.

In 2012, there were nine states with Libertarian candidates on the ballot for governor. Two candidates got at least 3 percent. The average Libertarian percentage was 2.3 percent.

In 2014, there were 24 states with Libertarian candidates on the ballot for governor. Eight candidates got at least 3 percent. The average Libertarian percentage was 2.2 percent.


In 2010, there were 20 states with Libertarian candidates on the ballot for U.S. Senate. Three candidates got at least 3%. The average Libertarian percentage was 1.8%.

In 2012, there were 14 states with Libertarian candidates on the ballot for U.S. Senate. Four candidates got at least 3%. The average Libertarian percentage was 2.6%.

In 2014, there were 22 states with Libertarian candidates on the ballot for U.S. Senate. Six candidates got at least 3%. The average Libertarian percentage was 2.3%


Supporting Member
Special Hen Supporter
Jan 28, 2008
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Tornado Alley
That's empirically incorrect. Republicans voted for a bill that included funding for ObamaCare. Even though they didn't like it they knew that ObamaCare was a law that had been passed by the house and senate and sighed into law by the president and required funding. It was not one side or the other that was at fault, it was Ted Cruz and his minions.

You are really something else aren't you? Perhaps you forgot about this:

President Obama explicitly linked the government shutdown to the debt ceiling issue, stating that he would not reopen budget negotiations until Republicans agreed to passage of a bill raising the debt limit

So Obama threw this debt limit increase in their face on top of being totally against even considering ANYTHING the GOP wanted AFTER the shutdown! Then we have this from the same link:

Nancy Pelosi, however, accused the Republicans of "moving the goalposts" on the budget deal.

Just because RINO Boehner turncoated and crapped on his own party by telling Leno it was their fault doesn't mean it's true. It's quite amazing to watch you guys see some GOP members of Congress actually do what they are supposed to and then turn around and blame them for your party's lack of flexibility. I swear if Obama told you the sun rises in the west and sets in the east you'd be up in here proclaiming it's true. Unreal!

But things are a bit different now. What happened this week was NOT what's being spun out there. The spin is that the public wants congress to work with Obama and "get stuff done". What a load of crap. If that were true we would have elected democrats since Obama has made it perfectly crystal clear that the only ones he will negotiate with are democrat or shia muslim (Iran at the moment), all others need not bother.
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Special Hen Supporter
Jan 12, 2007
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I've been pretty open with my disgust with the GOP. Yet we almost never hear a single one of the resident libs agree that their side can be just as bad. My real problem with the liberal Democrats is their unwavering hypocrisy. They demand everything and offer nothing in return, then run around in a tizzy about how "obstructionist" the GOP is. All they while, everything they propose is "common sense" and disagreeing with it is racist/misogynistic/bigoted. It's the rankest pile of crap and they get away with it because they've got such an overwhelming percentage of the press on their side. At least Obama has laid off the "It's all FOX news' fault" garbage recently. :(


Special Hen
Feb 28, 2010
Reaction score
West OKC
I've been pretty open with my disgust with the GOP. Yet we almost never hear a single one of the resident libs agree that their side can be just as bad. My real problem with the liberal Democrats is their unwavering hypocrisy. They demand everything and offer nothing in return, then run around in a tizzy about how "obstructionist" the GOP is. All they while, everything they propose is "common sense" and disagreeing with it is racist/misogynistic/bigoted. It's the rankest pile of crap and they get away with it because they've got such an overwhelming percentage of the press on their side. At least Obama has laid off the "It's all FOX news' fault" garbage recently. :(

It is fun to see how many times they can explain it away for Bronco and always blame the other party.


Jan 24, 2013
Reaction score
You are really something else aren't you? Perhaps you forgot about this:

So Obama threw this debt limit increase in their face on top of being totally against even considering ANYTHING the GOP wanted AFTER the shutdown! Then we have this from the same link:

Just because RINO Boehner turncoated and crapped on his own party by telling Leno it was their fault doesn't mean it's true. It's quite amazing to watch you guys see some GOP members of Congress actually do what they are supposed to and then turn around and blame them for your party's lack of flexibility. I swear if Obama told you the sun rises in the west and sets in the east you'd be up in here proclaiming it's true. Unreal!

But things are a bit different now. What happened this week was NOT what's being spun out there. The spin is that the public wants congress to work with Obama and "get stuff done". What a load of crap. If that were true we would have elected democrats since Obama has made it perfectly crystal clear that the only ones he will negotiate with are democrat or shia muslim (Iran at the moment), all others need not bother.

Nothing you posted shows anything other than I was correct. From your source:

"On both issues, the Republicans who control the House of Representatives have demanded concessions from Mr Obama and his fellow Democrats in return for funding the government's continued operation and for raising the debt ceiling.

Chiefly, the Republicans demand the repeal, delay or defunding of a healthcare reform law - dubbed Obamacare - passed by the Democrats in 2010."

Without funding for Obamacare, no funding bill was going to pass. Everyone knew it. Everyone agreed to pass a funding bill that included funding for Obamacare except Ted Cruz and his minions. There is simply no arguing that fact. None. It's a fool's errand to even try.

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